Info on SDA

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Hello everyone. Please bear with me on this response. It comes with love.

I’ll let you know up front that I’m a Christian who acknowledges the seventh-day Sabbath as holy and a symbol of God’s authority. I’m an SDA because it’s the closest religion there is to the truth but I don’t believe that being an SDA will save me; it’s only by the blood of Jesus Christ that we are saved. God has His people in many religions…the point is that in the end times He’s calling all of us out of the darkness of deception and into the light of His truth. Which brings me to my point.

Lucifer has shrouded this world in darkness since the Garden of Eden. He hates Jesus and is doing all he can to eliminate the knowledge of Jesus from our existence. Lucifer has always wanted to be like God (Is. 14:12-14) and in the process, move Jesus out of the picture. He tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness but when he failed, he turned to the next best thing…those closest to Him. It started with Judas and since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it’s been going on in His church. Lucifer is at war with God’s commandment-keeping people to this day (Rev. 12:17). He has crafted all sorts of deceptions. He has deployed agencies throughout the world to distract us from our worship of Jesus Christ and turn it to himself. He’s done this through sorcery, spiritualism, witchcraft and occultism.

Lucifer operates in the material world through a system. It’s a religious system because he has always wanted God’s worship. This is clear throughout the latter half of Revelation. This system is referred to by several names in prophecy: the little horn (Dan. 7 & 8), the king of the north (Dan. 11), the beast (Rev. 13), the man of sin/son of perdition/Wicked (2 Thes. 2), the Antichrist (1 John 2), Babylon (Rev. 14 & 18) and the great whore (Rev. 17). If you read Ezekiel 28 you can see the relationship between this system (referred to as the prince of Tyre) and Lucifer (the king of Tyre).

The key to understanding who this system is can only be understood through the eyes of the prophecies in the book of Daniel. Daniel provides the prophetic template for understanding all of end-time prophecy. Once the foundation is laid, each chapter builds on the foundation until a much clearer picture emerges by the last chapter. What’s also clear from studying Daniel is that the persecution of God’s people that took place back then will be duplicated in the end times. The majority of the symbolism in Revelation comes from Daniel. The Bible is clear that the vision that Nebuchadnezzar saw was a timeline that started in the time of the kingdom of Babylon and would extend to the “latter days” (Dan. 2). This time is later defined in Daniel 8 as “the time of the end”. Between Daniel 2 & 8, the Bible names the successive kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece specifically.

It then speaks more mysteriously about a fourth kingdom that would come after Greece. Daniel 2 reveals that this fourth kingdom would break up into ten smaller kingdoms. You’ll notice however that even in this divided condition, there were still elements of the fourth kingdom but with an added element of clay. If you research this biblically you’ll see that this clay has a spiritual connotation. This is the merging of church and state through this religio-political system. You can call it what ever you want, but the prophecy has proven to be 100% rock-solid and history has borne the identity of this system with crystal clarity. This is certainly not a “private interpretation”. The Bible is its best interpreter and you can look at this every way possible and the interpretation is unmistakable.

History has verified that the fourth kingdom could have been none other than Rome as it was the iron monarchy of Rome that overthrew the Greek Empire. This was even symbolized by the iron legs of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision and the iron teeth on the beast that Daniel saw in his vision (Dan. 7). The church/state system that came out of it was the papal authority over the RCC. This combination is represented by the woman that rides the beast in Revelation 17. The woman is the church and the beast is the state. She makes the whole world “drunk” by her doctrines (Rev. 17:2-3) that come as a result of this union.

This system has two doctrines: esoteric and exoteric. The esoteric doctrine is for the insiders…the initiates…the “illuminated” ones. They know they’re worshiping Lucifer, the “light bearer”. They operate through secret societies (Jesuits, Freemasons, etc.) and affect world policies through a union of the “church” guiding the state. The plan is to unite the world through these various agencies and the hub for this convergence is the UN (the word “ecumenism” may ring a bell for those who have studied the documents of Vatican II). The result of this union will be what’s referred to as the New World Order - and it won’t be pretty for commandment-keeping Christians. Yes, this is when the mark of the beast will be enforced which is where this is all heading.
The exoteric doctrine is for the masses; they believe they’re worshiping Jesus. The reality is that 90+% of Christianity is worshiping God in error. The key thing is that they don’t know it. Lucifer is a master of deception. God calls His people out of this collective false system of worship in Rev. 18:4; He is doing this by those proclaiming the message of Revelation 14:6-12; the message of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ taken to the world. The reason is so that we don’t share in the judgment that will fall on this system. It’s completely pagan, “baptized” into Christianity and the basis of it all is Lucifarian sun-worship.

These aren’t words to be hurtful in any way; it’s simply how history has fulfilled Bible prophecy. If we believe in the Bible as our foundation, we will acknowledge these things or at least take a humble approach to seeing if there’s any truth in these allegations. If we hold onto traditions of men, we are likely to be deceived. We are all sinners saved by God’s grace. There will be a time however when those of us who are alive at that time will have to make a firm decision between Jesus and Lucifer; grace will no longer be available (Rev. 22:11). Once all decisions have been made, those who choose Lucifer will be numbered with him. Those who choose Jesus Christ will be numbered with Him - this latter numbering is of the 144,000; the symbolic number of God’s servants who will resist the mark of the beast and as a result, receive the seal of God. Their experience will allow them to witness the return of Jesus Christ while still alive. While those sleeping in death will be resurrected around them, the 144,000 will be translated into eternal bodies to forever live in the glorious presence of God. What’s amazing is that this could actually happen in our lifetime if we learn to see through Lucifer’s deceptions and come out of spiritual Babylon. This will antagonize this system into taking action in fulfilling its role in end-time prophetic events and ultimately bring about the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Of course, none of us would want to admit that we’re worshiping God in error, even if the evidence was overwhelming. What God wants from all of us is to be humble to His word and His authority but we can only do that if we study His word for ourselves. Prophecy has revealed that the last days are fast-approaching. The number-one thing that Jesus and other NT writers warned us about concerning these days was deception. Lucifer knows he’s going to be destroyed and it’s his goal to deceive as many of God’s people as possible into missing out on the glory of salvation through Jesus Christ. Humbly open God’s word for yourself and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit you will see the truth for yourself.

God bless…
The exoteric doctrine is for the masses; they believe they’re worshiping Jesus. The reality is that 90+% of Christianity is worshiping God in error. The key thing is that they don’t know it. Lucifer is a master of deception. God calls His people out of this collective false system of worship in Rev. 18:4; He is doing this by those proclaiming the message of Revelation 14:6-12; the message of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ taken to the world. The reason is so that we don’t share in the judgment that will fall on this system. It’s completely pagan, “baptized” into Christianity and the basis of it all is Lucifarian sun-worship.

These aren’t words to be hurtful in any way; it’s simply how history has fulfilled Bible prophecy. If we believe in the Bible as our foundation, we will acknowledge these things or at least take a humble approach to seeing if there’s any truth in these allegations. If we hold onto traditions of men, we are likely to be deceived. We are all sinners saved by God’s grace. There will be a time however when those of us who are alive at that time will have to make a firm decision between Jesus and Lucifer; grace will no longer be available (Rev. 22:11). Once all decisions have been made, those who choose Lucifer will be numbered with him. Those who choose Jesus Christ will be numbered with Him - this latter numbering is of the 144,000; the symbolic number of God’s servants who will resist the mark of the beast and as a result, receive the seal of God. Their experience will allow them to witness the return of Jesus Christ while still alive. While those sleeping in death will be resurrected around them, the 144,000 will be translated into eternal bodies to forever live in the glorious presence of God. What’s amazing is that this could actually happen in our lifetime if we learn to see through Lucifer’s deceptions and come out of spiritual Babylon. This will antagonize this system into taking action in fulfilling its role in end-time prophetic events and ultimately bring about the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Of course, none of us would want to admit that we’re worshiping God in error, even if the evidence was overwhelming. What God wants from all of us is to be humble to His word and His authority but we can only do that if we study His word for ourselves. Prophecy has revealed that the last days are fast-approaching. The number-one thing that Jesus and other NT writers warned us about concerning these days was deception. Lucifer knows he’s going to be destroyed and it’s his goal to deceive as many of God’s people as possible into missing out of the glory of salvation through Jesus Christ. Humbly open God’s word for yourself and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit you will see the truth for yourself.

God bless…
so those that worship on saturday are saturn worshippers? sorry, i couldnt resist. ;)welcome to the debate. very glad to have you my friend. oh, and incidentally, the last days were ushered in at pentacost if im not mistaken. they are not so much a future occurence, as a present day reality. also how long will Adventist hold on to the prophecy of the sunday laws? if this does not come to pass in say another 400 years, will the Adventist still believe it? according to what ive listened to among Adventis preachers and the like. they state its right around the corner. look forward to your answer. peace 🙂
Thanks for the invitation! hey i wanted to ask you a question. You know how many of our catholic friends believe the Bible was held or preserved by their church and so their church us the one with the authority to interpret it. As far as I know the Jew are the ones that kept the Bible… Any inside about this?
so those that worship on saturday are saturn worshippers? sorry, i couldnt resist. ;)welcome to the debate. very glad to have you my friend. oh, and incidentally, the last days were ushered in at pentacost if im not mistaken. they are not so much a future occurence, as a present day reality. also how long will Adventist hold on to the prophecy of the sunday laws? if this does not come to pass in say another 400 years, will the Adventist still believe it? according to what ive listened to among Adventis preachers and the like. they state its right around the corner. look forward to your answer. peace 🙂
Thank you for the welcome. I hope all is well.

No, those who worship on the seventh-day acknowledge God’s authority. His name is in the Sabbath commandment and that’s the only day He made holy. By acknowledging His Sabbath, we acknowledge Him as our Creator. He says it’s a sign that we acknowledge this (Ex. 31:13-17; Ez. 20:12). The name Saturday was given by men who worshiped the stars (something God forbids). For just about authentic thing ascribed to God, Satan has a counterfeit. His counterfeit for the true Lord’s day is Sunday.

To fully understand Pentacost (assuming you’re referring to Acts 2), you have to understand the service and feasts of the sanctuary. If you’ve heard Adventists preachers, you may have already heard some of these things. The point is that the entire service pointed forward to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb who now ministers in the heavenly sanctuary with His own blood as our High Priest (Hebrews 8-10). His ministry was shadowed by the annual feasts of the Old Testament sanctuary. You can see them all in Leviticus 23.

His death fulfilled the Passover. His resting in the tomb (on the Sabbath) was the fulfillment of the feast of unleavened bread. His resurrection was a fulfillment of the feast of firstfruits; His wave offering was those who were resurrected when He was (Matt. 27). The events of Acts 2 are a fulfillment of the feast that came 50 days after the feast of firstfruits as it was 50 days after Jesus was resurrected. The “time of the end” came on the fulfillment of the Day of Atonement…October, 1844…at the end of the 2,300 “day” prophecy of Daniel 8. This is biblical interpretation of the Bible by the Bible. The “last days” will come after the mark of the beast is enforced and people are forced to worship an authority that is not our Creator. Thankfully, those days won’t be long.

Sunday laws are already a reality now, they’re just not enforced. Blue Laws were put in place for this reason. You may not think it’s coming nationally, but the groundwork is being laid. So to answer your question: I’ll believe it until it happens. If it doesn’t happen in my lifetime, I’ll prayerfully awake from my sleep of death afterward when Jesus returns and it won’t matter at that point.

Take care.
so those that worship on saturday are saturn worshippers? sorry, i couldnt resist. ;)welcome to the debate. very glad to have you my friend. oh, and incidentally, the last days were ushered in at pentacost if im not mistaken. they are not so much a future occurence, as a present day reality. also how long will Adventist hold on to the prophecy of the sunday laws? if this does not come to pass in say another 400 years, will the Adventist still believe it? according to what ive listened to among Adventis preachers and the like. they state its right around the corner. look forward to your answer. peace 🙂
I reckon it is Benidict, things seems to get ready for that. Just look the so called family laws in Europe, like Germany, Croatia, etc.
Have you heard about the Blue Law? Its really interesting, give it a check at google.

Talk to you later
Thank you for the welcome. I hope all is well.

No, those who worship on the seventh-day acknowledge God’s authority. His name is in the Sabbath commandment and that’s the only day He made holy. By acknowledging His Sabbath, we acknowledge Him as our Creator. He says it’s a sign that we acknowledge this (Ex. 31:13-17; Ez. 20:12). The name Saturday was given by men who worshiped the stars (something God forbids). For just about authentic thing ascribed to God, Satan has a counterfeit. His counterfeit for the true Lord’s day is Sunday.

To fully understand Pentacost (assuming you’re referring to Acts 2), you have to understand the service and feasts of the sanctuary. If you’ve heard Adventists preachers, you may have already heard some of these things. The point is that the entire service pointed forward to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb who now ministers in the heavenly sanctuary with His own blood as our High Priest (Hebrews 8-10). His ministry was shadowed by the annual feasts of the Old Testament sanctuary. You can see them all in Leviticus 23.

His death fulfilled the Passover. His resting in the tomb (on the Sabbath) was the fulfillment of the feast of unleavened bread. His resurrection was a fulfillment of the feast of firstfruits; His wave offering was those who were resurrected when He was (Matt. 27). The events of Acts 2 are a fulfillment of the feast that came 50 days after the feast of firstfruits as it was 50 days after Jesus was resurrected. The “time of the end” came on the fulfillment of the Day of Atonement…October, 1844…at the end of the 2,300 “day” prophecy of Daniel 8. This is biblical interpretation of the Bible by the Bible. The “last days” will come after the mark of the beast is enforced and people are forced to worship an authority that is not our Creator. Thankfully, those days won’t be long.

Sunday laws are already a reality now, they’re just not enforced. Blue Laws were put in place for this reason. You may not think it’s coming nationally, but the groundwork is being laid. So to answer your question: I’ll believe it until it happens. If it doesn’t happen in my lifetime, I’ll prayerfully awake from my sleep of death afterward when Jesus returns and it won’t matter at that point.

Take care.
Thats right! Is even interesting the color blue of this law ay… for those who know what I mean.
so those that worship on saturday are saturn worshippers? sorry, i couldnt resist. ;)welcome to the debate. very glad to have you my friend. oh, and incidentally, the last days were ushered in at pentacost if im not mistaken. they are not so much a future occurence, as a present day reality. also how long will Adventist hold on to the prophecy of the sunday laws? if this does not come to pass in say another 400 years, will the Adventist still believe it? according to what ive listened to among Adventis preachers and the like. they state its right around the corner. look forward to your answer. peace 🙂
God called days by numbers… He is not the one who named days and other things in honor to paganism beliefs. Good try thou haha
Thanks for the invitation! hey i wanted to ask you a question. You know how many of our catholic friends believe the Bible was held or preserved by their church and so their church us the one with the authority to interpret it. As far as I know the Jew are the ones that kept the Bible… Any inside about this?
From the little I know, the Jews wrote and maintained the Old Testament…the Law (Moses’ writings), the prophets, books of wisdom and the psalms. That has been preserved fairly well. It was written primarily in Hebrew and Aramaic but was later translated into Greek for a wider audience.

Jews wrote the New Testament in Greek and it was distributed widely in what’s knows as the Received Text (Textus Receptus - copies of original manuscripts) until the Dark Ages of papal rule, before receiving its “deadly wound” in 1798. The KJV is derived from the Received Text, which is from the family of manuscript copies that have been maintained consistently since the first century AD and have had a worldwide distribution since then. After this time (1798), and Bibles started to spread rapidly again, Lucifer went on the attack by putting new translations of the Bible together from discarded and unreliable manuscripts of the New Testament (Sinaticus manuscripts). This family of Bibles is from the same strain that the Vatican uses (Vulgate).

The result of the varying translations and versions has led to biblical confusion. The objective of just about all of these other versions, translations and paraphrases is that they subtly reduce the deity of Jesus Christ to a created being and help in Lucifer’s objective to eliminate the knowledge of Jesus.

To respond directly to your question, the papacy says that only they can interpret Scripture because they simply don’t want people reading it. The reason is obvious…because Scripture reveals their system to be working on behalf of Jesus’ enemy. So, instead of teaching from the Bible, they primarily teach their own traditions which are all pagan. They’re just cloaked in Christianity.

2 Timothy 2:15 says to study to show “thyself” approved. We don’t have to rely on any system to reveal what God says to us individually through His word.
G’day over there,

I dont know why anyone havent told you yet the false doctrines and teachings that the SDA church proclaim are not correct within the Christian world and out…
Like I said many times in this forum, we base our beliefs only in the word of God, everything is there and seriously you dont have to burn your brains to understand what God is saying in there… I found many people complicating themselves in order to make a point in the Bible, but the Bible, that was inspired by God, its also interpreted by Him. Studying the whole of the Bible and contexts its the right way to understand it and of course, with previously praying for guidance. The truth is one and is within the Word of God, nothing can change it.
Now saying that, I can sort of name some of the teaching that are not totally according to the Bible and that we know its our duty to show others:

The state of the dead which is related to the inmortality of the soul
Hell as a place where wicked are burning for eternity
Purgatory, Limbo [hope spelling is right]
The use of images, statues, etc of saints, Mary, Jesus… and kneeling in front of them asking petitions, etc.
The idea that a priest or man can forgive you for your sins or at least that you have to confess to them in order to get to God.
The idea that the Law of God, the ten commandments, are not to be kept any more because we are safe by grace.
The first day of the week, Sunday, instead of the seventh day, Saturday as the Sabbath and Holy day for the Lord.
The idea that men have the authority to change or add things to the Word of God and that God left a man to be his representative on earth when clearly he left His Holy Spirit since pentecost.
The idea that it doesnt matter what we eat or drink.
Baptizing babies and not baptizing by inmersion [as it has a purpose and meaning]

I’m sure there are more around in the diversity of churches and religions but this are just some of them… I wouldnt have any problem to believe them if they were supported clearly by an It is written. I believe the church have to be subordinated to the Bible and not the other way around.

Anyways, I hope it helps to clear your question…

Have a good one 😉
I see by your response that you also have little or no knowledge about the Catholic Church. All that you accuse the CC of doing as “not in the bible” is indeed supported by scripture. Do you know that the Bible you have and use was given by the Catholic Church? ( )

The CC teaches today, and what has been taught for 2000 years, the same truths that Jesus and the Apostles taught. All that the CC teaches and does is supported by scripture and Holy Tradition. It cannot do otherwise. In establishing His Church ( the CC ), Jesus gave it the authority to “bind and loose” and to forgive sins. This authority did not cease to be when the last Apostle died, but was passed on to their succesors. If this is not so, then why did Jesus establish a church? The CC is most certainly guided by the Holy Spirit. I suggest that you read, and learn, the early Church Fathers, such as Ignatius, Ambrose, Eusebius, etc. and the history of the CC and learn the truth.

There are too many lies, myths, and misunderstandings about the Catholic Church, which has Satan as the author, and which the non-Catholic accepts and believes on hear-say without truly investigating them.

Enjoy, and peace.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
Thanks for the invitation! hey i wanted to ask you a question. You know how many of our catholic friends believe the Bible was held or preserved by their church and so their church us the one with the authority to interpret it. As far as I know the Jew are the ones that kept the Bible… Any inside about this?
For the first 300 years of Christianity, there was no Bible as we know it today. Christians had the Old Testament Septuagint, and literally hundreds of other books from which to choose. The Catholic Church realized early on that she had to decide which of these books were inspired and which ones weren’t. The debates raged between theologians, Bishops, and Church Fathers, for several centuries as to which books were inspired and which ones weren’t. In the meantime, several Church Councils or Synods, were convened to deal with the matter, notably, Rome in 382, Hippo in 393, and Carthage in 397 and 419. The debates sometimes became bitter on both sides. One of the most famous was between St. Jerome, who felt the seven books were not canonical, and St. Augustine who said they were. Protestants who write about this will invariably mention St. Jerome and his opposition, and conveniently omit the support of St. Augustine. I must point out here that Church Father’s writings are not infallible statements, and their arguments are merely reflections of their own private opinions. When some say St. Jerome was against the inclusion of the seven books, they are merely showing his personal opinion of them. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. However,** A PERSONS PRIVATE OPINION DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH AT ALL.** There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side, and the side of truth. Whether Jerome’s position, or Augustine’s position was the correct position, it had to be settled by a third party, and that third party was the Catholic Church.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
In verse 17, after the statement is made (from the received texts) "Let no man judge YOU (meaning the new converts from pagan sun-god worship t whom Paul was speaking) in name of meat nor drink, nor of the new moons or a feast day, or the Sabbaton (Greek word that has always meant the seventh-day Shabbat (Hebrew for seventh-day Sabbath)

Paul then does us good service by saying in the very next verse: For these ARE (not “were” as Origen decided quite on his own) shadows of things to come."

That means that the Roman Catholic Church is in heresy for thinking it could change what God the Son said in Exodus 34 after announcing what God there called the “New Covenant” when He said “I shall not alter the thing which has gone out of My LIPS.”
RonTheNewJew, you pointed out that Paul commanded the converted Pagans to not let anyone judge them about the Saturday sabbath issue. Should anyone else (besides the converted pagans) be judged for worshiping on Sunday?

Catholicism interprets to be the Lord’s Day to be Sunday, due to Jesus’ resurrection? Do you believe this?
Like I said many times in this forum, we [Adventists] base our beliefs only in the word of God, everything is there and seriously you dont have to burn your brains to understand what God is saying in there… I found many people complicating themselves in order to make a point in the Bible, but the Bible, that was inspired by God, its also interpreted by Him. Studying the whole of the Bible and contexts its the right way to understand it and of course, with previously praying for guidance. The truth is one and is within the Word of God, nothing can change it.
Rexpi, you are 100% correct in declaring that Adventists preach and teach from the Word of God. However, the Jehovah Witnesses make the same claim, as well as other Christian sects. Consequently, it all boils down to interpretation i.e. all of these various Christian sects that are preaching and teaching from the scriptures can’t be simultaneously correct, especially when they contradict each other. However, it’s your position that your Christian sect [Adventism] is the one and only remnant Christian church on planet earth that is not apostatized.

The Catholic Church also teaches from the scriptures, in conjunction with the traditions that were passed down from the Apostles. These traditions are codified and are equally important for a global understanding of the Word of God because they provide the history behind the scriptures.
I can sort of name some of the teaching that are not totally according to the Bible and that we know its our duty to show others:

The state of the dead which is related to the inmortality of the soul
Hell as a place where wicked are burning for eternity
Purgatory, Limbo [hope spelling is right]
The use of images, statues, etc of saints, Mary, Jesus… and kneeling in front of them asking petitions, etc.
The idea that a priest or man can forgive you for your sins or at least that you have to confess to them in order to get to God.
The idea that the Law of God, the ten commandments, are not to be kept any more because we are safe by grace.
The first day of the week, Sunday, instead of the seventh day, Saturday as the Sabbath and Holy day for the Lord.
The idea that men have the authority to change or add things to the Word of God and that God left a man to be his representative on earth when clearly he left His Holy Spirit since pentecost.
The idea that it doesnt matter what we eat or drink.
Baptizing babies and not baptizing by inmersion [as it has a purpose and meaning]

I’m sure there are more around in the diversity of churches and religions but this are just some of them… I wouldnt have any problem to believe them if they were supported clearly by an It is written. I believe the church have to be subordinated to the Bible and not the other way around.
Each and every one of these points has an explanation in the Catholic Church, BUT you have never read these explanations. Why not? 😉

You’ve listed too many points for me to address, so I’ll narrow it down to your last point, baptism, which is based upon the scriptures AND Catholic tradition. 😉

How in the world can the Catholic Church baptize infants!!! That’s what Adventists want to know!!! If you look closely in the scriptures, you will notice that it proclaims that entire families were baptized, which included infants. That is where the scriptural tradition began – and which Catholics still practice in the 21st Century. However, you were unaware of this because you have never read Catholic traditions; instead, you’ve surrounded yourself exclusively with the writings of Ellen White, from which sprang forth Adventist teachings. Would it be wise of you to study all literature, including Catholic traditions, in order to formulate a well-rounded theological opinion? Or is it more wise to limit yourself to the pinhole view of Adventism’s writings, which are predicated upon Ellen White? Pray tell?

Answer**:** It is highly unlikely that you will study Catholic teachings to obtain a global view i.e. you will continue to stare through the SDA pinhole. :eek:
The CC teaches today, and what has been taught for 2000 years, the same truths that Jesus and the Apostles taught. All that the CC teaches and does is supported by scripture and Holy Tradition. It cannot do otherwise.

These statements are not true unfortunately. Catholic doctrine is more reliant on tradition than it is on Scripture.

Jesus taught us to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The RCC teaches that tradition supersedes Scripture. Here are a few examples of this:

• “The doctrines of the Catholic Church are entirely independent of Holy Scripture.” Familiar Explanation of Catholic Doctrine, Rev. M. Mullers, p.151.

• “If we must choose between the Holy Scriptures of God, and the old errors of the church, we should reject the former.” Johann Faber (defender of the Papacy) cited in History of The Reformation, by J. H. Merle d’Aubigne, book 11, Ch. 5, Par. 9.

• “Like two sacred rivers flowing from paradise, the Bible and divine tradition contain the word of God, the precious gems of revealed truths. Though these two divine streams are in themselves, on account of their divine origin, of equal sacredness, and are both full of revealed truths, still of the two, tradition is to us more clear and safe.” Catholic Belief, Joseph Faa di Bruno, p. 45.

I know how these forums go and inevitably, comments get taken way out of context. Please understand that my intent is not to condemn Catholics or anyone else for that matter. God has His people in all religions but He is calling us out of all false deceptive systems so we can live peaceably in His truth.
on that i will agree with you. she was harder on her Fellow adventist, than she was on others. i vaugely remember reading about some of her discourses with them. and some of the writings on the subject. and you are right about yall not being the first to pin the tail of the anti-christ on rome. the early reformers did it too. and just as the Adventist, they were badly and sadly mistaken. Peace 🙂 p.s. do Adventist find it offensive to use the term SDA? i read on the new logo website, that they do not prefer this term, and that it would not be used by their fellowship. peace 🙂
I don’t think anyone is really super-ofended or anything at the use of “SDA.” It’s just that we have an official title and abbreviation which we prefer so as to not be mistaken for other similar groups. 🙂 Our official abbreviation is “Adventist.”
Answer**:** It is highly unlikely that you will study Catholic teachings to obtain a global view i.e. you will continue to stare through the SDA pinhole. :eek:
Well; I have been studying Catholic teachings for over 4 years now. Hopefully your pronouncement to this other individual does not include all Adventists!
Each and every one of these points has an explanation in the Catholic Church, BUT you have never read these explanations. Why not? 😉

You’ve listed too many points for me to address, so I’ll narrow it down to your last point, baptism, which is based upon the scriptures AND Catholic tradition. 😉

How in the world can the Catholic Church baptize infants!!! That’s what Adventists want to know!!! If you look closely in the scriptures, you will notice that it proclaims that entire families were baptized, which included infants. That is where the scriptural tradition began – and which Catholics still practice in the 21st Century. However, you were unaware of this because you have never read Catholic traditions; instead, you’ve surrounded yourself exclusively with the writings of Ellen White, from which sprang forth Adventist teachings. Would it be wise of you to study all literature, including Catholic traditions, in order to formulate a well-rounded theological opinion? Or is it more wise to limit yourself to the pinhole view of Adventism’s writings, which are predicated upon Ellen White? Pray tell?

Answer**:** It is highly unlikely that you will study Catholic teachings to obtain a global view i.e. you will continue to stare through the SDA pinhole. :eek:
Regarding baptism, the Bible says that in coming to Jesus, we should “repent” (Acts 2:38) and “be converted” (Acts 3:19). These aren’t things that infants can do. Baptism is a conscious decision where action is taken to affirm a desire to be dead to sin and alive in Jesus Christ.

Infant baptism is just another form of pagan sun worship that was “baptized” (no pun intended) into Christianity through the merging of pagan and Christian cultures in order to have harmony within the Roman Empire. In some pagan cultures, they also sacrificed children to the sun-god Molech through fire sacrifices (Ezekiel 23:37-39). These are historical facts and things that are supported in Catholic tradition which speak for themselves as testimony to these facts.

Lucifer’s deceptions run deep. The success in deception is in people not knowing they’re being deceived. He has been successful in deceiving the whole world. Those of us who remain in the darkness will continue to be deceived.
Rexpi, you are 100% correct in declaring that Adventists preach and teach from the Word of God. However, the Jehovah Witnesses make the same claim, as well as other Christian sects. Consequently, it all boils down to interpretation i.e. all of these various Christian sects that are preaching and teaching from the scriptures can’t be simultaneously correct, especially when they contradict each other. However, it’s your position that your Christian sect [Adventism] is the one and only remnant Christian church on planet earth that is not apostatized.

The Catholic Church also teaches from the scriptures, in conjunction with the traditions that were passed down from the Apostles. These traditions are codified and are equally important for a global understanding of the Word of God because they provide the history behind the scriptures.
All religious systems have apostatized in one way or another. The simple fact that the SDA logo has changed is a sign of this as it was done at the council of Vatican II where the goal was global religious ecumenism with the papacy being the spiritual leader. This is also history and I’m not ashamed to admit it. My position has always been that being a member of the SDA church will not save me. The point is for us to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that’s separate from the traditions and forms of any religion. We are accountable to Him individually and not corporately. Following the traditions of fallen men will only lead to our destruction.

The Scriptures don’t need tradition for them to have an impact on our lives. Jesus warned about us relying on tradition because ultimately, they will take the place of Scripture (Matt. 15:8-9; Mark 7:7-9). Scripture condemns sin; tradition allows for it. Jesus came to same us from our sins (Matt. 1:21) and not allow us to live in them.

By the way, JW used to delete key passages of Scripture in their KJV Bibles until they came out with the New World Translation which completely diminishes the role of Jesus from God to a lesser being. It’s just another New Age false religion with false doctrines. The SDA faith lifts up Jesus Christ alone and points all men to Him for salvation. We’re certainly not perfect, but our doctrines are 100% grounded in the Received Text.

Stay faithful.
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