Info on SDA

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Ellen White, the founder and leader of Adventism? :confused:
Really? Was she “the” founder of “Adventism”? Were there no “Adventists” before 1863, when the Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded?

I enjoy having this discussion, but in order for it to be meaningful for both of us, it would be better if you provided any evidence of your assertions. There may be people reading who objectively really want to know the truth.
Bible Truth,

You have a very condemning and unknowledgeable understanding of the Catholic Church. Thank God Christ came to save and not condemn.
Ahhhhhhh more SDA theological rubbish!!! :banghead:

In SDA theology, Saturday sabbath worship is MANDATORY. Those who reject Saturday sabbath worship accept the SDA mark of the beast and are hell-bound (in the SDA belief system). It’s just more SDA theological rubbish. :rolleyes:
Nothing is mandatory but everything has consequences. God gives us a choice in everything we do. Jesus said, “if you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

“And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1 John 3:4.

We serve God according to His word because we love Him. This is not difficult to understand.

Please show me in the Bible where the seventh-day is NOT the Sabbath.
Ahhhhhhh more SDA theological rubbish!!! :banghead:

In SDA theology, Saturday sabbath worship is MANDATORY. Those who reject the SDA Saturday sabbath accept the SDA mark of the beast and are hell-bound (in the SDA belief system). It’s just more SDA theological rubbish. :rolleyes:
I think the Bible is quite clear on what day is the Sabbath day. Nowhere in the Bible is it changed from the 7th day. Don’t you think it would be strange for God to change only one commandment? Especially after he told us to “Remember the Sabbath Day”.
Bible Truth,

You have a very condemning and unknowledgeable understanding of the Catholic Church. Thank God Christ came to save and not condemn.
Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. In order for anyone to be saved from a lost condition, they have to admit it. One can’t admit to something that they’re not aware of.

Everything I’ve shared about the Catholic Church can be researched and validated in history. I’m not condemning any individual, I’m pointing out what Bible prophecy has foretold and history has fulfilled. I haven’t said anything negative about anyone individually and I won’t (I’d like to think I’ve grown some over the past couple years of posting on this site).

I’m fully aware that the things I’m sharing aren’t pleasing to hear. It goes the same way when I share apostasy that’s taken place in the SDA church. None of us are immune to the end-time deceptions of Lucifer.
I enjoy having this discussion, but in order for it to be meaningful for both of us, it would be better if you provided any evidence of your assertions.
BibleTruth, at the following link between 19:24 and 19:43, an SDA apologist admits that Ellen White claimed to see Enoch on a planet with four moons during one of her visions**:** :hypno:

That is unbelievable!!! Hearing is believing!!! 😃

But wait!!! There’s more!!! :hmmm:

Ellen White also said that there are some cases where Black slaves died – and immediately went into soul sleep (with no consciousness); and Ellen White further explained that they will never experience a resurrection. This is contrary to the Word of God, which says that all men will experience a resurrection and a judgment, either at the Judgment Seat of Christ or at the Great White Throne Judgment for the damned. :eek:
*** Here’s a chilling thought: Did anyone ever stop to think that we ( Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc. ) have it all wrong and that the Gnostics alone have the truth and true religion? I have read ( but not studied ) some of the Gnostic “Gospels”, such as St. Thomas, Mary Magdalene, St. Peter, etc. ) and believe it or not some of the writings are quite convincing. Is it possible that the stories posed in the books “The Jesus Papers” and “The DaVinci Code” are based in/on fact?*** ( yes, this could be the subject of another thread ).

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
BibleTruth, at the following link between 19:24 and 19:43, an SDA apologist admits that Ellen White claimed to see Enoch on a planet with four moons during one of her visions**:** :hypno:

That is unbelievable!!! Hearing is believing!!! 😃

But wait!!! There’s more!!! :hmmm:

Ellen White also said that there are some cases where Black slaves died – and immediately went into soul sleep (with no consciousness); and Ellen White further explained that they will never experience a resurrection. This is contrary to the Word of God, which says that all men will experience a resurrection and a judgment, either at the Judgment Seat of Christ or at the Great White Throne Judgment for the damned. :eek:
Friend, I’ve addressed this already when YOU said (errantly) that the planet was Venus. She never mentioned the name of any planet that she saw angels on.

Let me ask you: do you think it’s the case that this planet is the ONLY planet in the entire universe with intelligent life on it…really?

Your focus on this planet [Earth] is in the wrong context. This is the planet where Lucifer and his fallen angels were cast. This is the planet where the plan of salvation for the entire universe is being played out. This is the planet that will produce a group of people on it in the last days (the 144,000) that will vindicate God’s character in front of the entire universe so they will KNOW that they’re not serving Him out of fear.

You haven’t provided one factual claim as of yet and I’ve responded to every one of your posts addressed to me. Please be so kind as to respond to the one addressing the scriptures used to support Sunday worship. Thanks.
*** Here’s a chilling thought: Did anyone ever stop to think that we ( Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc. ) have it all wrong and that the Gnostics alone have the truth and true religion? I have read ( but not studied ) some of the Gnostic “Gospels”, such as St. Thomas, Mary Magdalene, St. Peter, etc. ) and believe it or not some of the writings are quite convincing. Is it possible that the stories posed in the books “The Jesus Papers” and “The DaVinci Code” are based in/on fact?*** ( yes, this could be the subject of another thread ).

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
Definitely another thread. Nicolaitans were Gnostics and God hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans. Their work is the doctrines of devils. Please don’t allow yourself to be deceived by these works of Satan. They will not lead you to salvation. Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Nothing is mandatory but everything has consequences. God gives us a choice in everything we do. Jesus said, “if you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

“And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1 John 3:4.

We serve God according to His word because we love Him. This is not difficult to understand.

Please show me in the Bible where the seventh-day is NOT the Sabbath.
The apostles celebrated mass on the Lord’s day, which is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. The word “mass” means “celebration,” so each time there is a mass, it is a celebration and acknowledgment of His crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. The apostles quit going to the Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath day and, instead, began celebrating Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday with their Christian disciples. 🙂 Subsequently, when the apostles went to the Jewish synagogue on Saturdays, it was to proselytize the unbelieving Jews. :cool:

Please read this**:**
It most certainly does follow suit, at least the Bible I read does…

1 Corinthians 16:2
On the first day of the week let every one of you put apart with himself, laying up what it shall well please him; that when I come, the collections be not then to be made.

John 20:19
Now when it was late that same day, the first of the week, and the doors were shut, where the disciples were gathered together, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them: Peace be to you.

Acts Of Apostles 20:7
And on the first day of the week, when we were assembled to break bread, Paul discoursed with them, being to depart on the morrow: and he continued his speech until midnight.

Luke 24:1
And on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared.

Apocalypse 1:10
I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
BibleTruth, at the following link between 19:24 and 19:43, an SDA apologist admits that Ellen White claimed to see Enoch on a planet with four moons during one of her visions**:** :hypno:

That is unbelievable!!! Hearing is believing!!! 😃

But wait!!! There’s more!!! :hmmm:

Ellen White also said that there are some cases where Black slaves died – and immediately went into soul sleep (with no consciousness); and Ellen White further explained that they will never experience a resurrection. This is contrary to the Word of God, which says that all men will experience a resurrection and a judgment, either at the Judgment Seat of Christ or at the Great White Throne Judgment for the damned. :eek:
My understanding is that Ellen White believed there are other planets and beings in this vast universe created by God that had not fallen under Satans influence. It seems a reasonable assumption to me even without visions. The existence of angels seems to confirm that there are other created beings. Does the Catholic Church allow for the possibility that God created life on other worlds?
You haven’t provided one factual claim as of yet and I’ve responded to every one of your posts addressed to me. Please be so kind as to respond to the one addressing the scriptures used to support Sunday worship. Thanks.
Please see post #322. 🙂
The apostles celebrated mass on the Lord’s day, which is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. The word “mass” means “celebration,” so each time there is a mass, it is a celebration and acknowledgment of His crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. The apostles quit going to the Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath day and, instead, began celebrating Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday with their Christian disciples. 🙂 Subsequently, when the apostles went to the Jewish synagogue on Saturdays, it was to proselytize the unbelieving Jews. :cool:

Please read this**:**
Please see my post in response to everyone of these verses. None of them provide biblical license that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. Thanks.
Please see post #322. 🙂
In 1 Corinthians 16:2, Paul was instructing the Christians to lay up things for the believers in Jerusalem in store (at home) so that when he came to town, they wouldn’t have to scramble around for their collections. Even in the Catholic Bible it’s written like that.

In John 20:19, the disciples weren’t gathered for a worship service…they were gathered “for fear of the Jews” the day that Jesus ascended to heaven.

In Acts 20:7, Paul started preaching on a Saturday night and continued overnight (until Eutychus fell asleep on him…). Remember, in the Bible, the next day starts at sunset. In the full part of the first day, he walked 20 miles.

This verse speaks more about God’s power to raise someone from the dead than it does anything about changing the day of worship. The breaking of bread was simply eating a meal as they did daily: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.” Acts 2:46.

In Luke 24:1, the women came to the tomb Sunday morning because of what the previous verses to this one say: "This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. And that day was the preparation [Friday], and the sabbath [Saturday] drew on. And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment. Luke 23:52-56.

It’s funny but when a friend of mine actually studied this verse objectively and with an open heart, she saw that the seventh-day Sabbath was still God’s holy day. One thing to bear in mind is that Luke was a “Gentile” doctor, not a Jew. If the Sabbath had been changed in the minds and teachings of Paul and the other apostles, Luke would not have referenced the Sabbath as many times as he does and not have indicated some sort of change. If I can recall, there are at least eight references in the book of Acts (also written by Luke) where the apostles, Jews and non-Jews are keeping the seventh-day Sabbath.

In Revelation 1:10, the vision is given to John on the Sabbath to reveal to him that it was still God’s holy day and it would be the deciding issue in the last days between those who accept the authority of God and those who accept the assumed authority of Satan when faced with a choice.

Please provide a reference from the Bible that PROVES the Sabbath has been changed. I’ll help you with this one:

“Question: Have you any other way of proving that the [Catholic] Church has the power to institute festivals of precept?

Answer: Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her; - she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.”
  • A Doctrinal Catechism, Stephen Keenan, 3rd ed. p. 174
My understanding is that Ellen White believed there are other planets and beings in this vast universe created by God that had not fallen under Satans influence. It seems a reasonable assumption to me even without visions. The existence of angels seems to confirm that there are other created beings. Does the Catholic Church allow for the possibility that God created life on other worlds?
Amen to this post!
Please see my post in response to everyone of these verses. None of them provide biblical license that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. Thanks.
The SDAs demand worship on the Saturday Sabbath – or else be marked with the SDA mark fo the beast and go to hell. That is demonic legalistic rubbish.

SDAs choose to follow the pinhole view of Ellen White and her interpretations of the bible. This is a woman who had demonic “visions” :rolleyes: of Enoch on a planet with four moons.

Catholics choose to follow the Word of God and apostolic teachings (apostolic traditions), as interpreted by the magestarium.
The apostles celebrated mass on the Lord’s day, which is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. The word “mass” means “celebration,” so each time there is a mass, it is a celebration and acknowledgment of His crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. The apostles quit going to the Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath day and, instead, began celebrating Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday with their Christian disciples. 🙂 Subsequently, when the apostles went to the Jewish synagogue on Saturdays, it was to proselytize the unbelieving Jews. :cool:

Please read this**:**
Please show me from the following verses what day the apostles, Jews and non-Jews had corporate worship:

Acts 13:14: But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.

Acts 13:42: And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath.

Acts 13:44: And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.

Acts 16:13: And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither.

Acts 17:2: And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,

Acts 18:4: And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.

Do you really believe in your heart that the Sabbath was changed when there is nothing in Scripture making that claim?
Please provide supporting Bible references that teach:
  • that death is NOT sleep until the respective resurrection.
  • that the seventh-day Sabbath is NOT God’s holy day…a day for holy assembly.
  • that God changed the weekly Sabbath to another day.
  • that the Sabbath is NOT the seal of the living God.
  • that the Sabbath is NOT the Lord’s day.
  • that the Sabbath was NOT created for all mankind.
  • that the Sabbath is NOT synonymous with the very NAME of God.
  • that the Sabbath does NOT reflect the authority of God.
  • that the Sabbath is NOT in the New Testament.
  • that we will NOT be blessed by keeping God’s commandments.
  • that the 144,000 do NOT keep God’s commandments in addition to their faith in Jesus.
  • that the prophecies in Daniel do NOT point towards the time of the end…the “latter days”.
  • that a day in Bible prophecy does NOT represent a literal year.
  • that Daniel 8:14 does NOT mean 2,300 literal years.
Please also explain what the “other strange doctrines of demons” are.

Please provide historical proof that Ellen White developed Adventist theology and that she was a plagiarist. Please also explain what “Adventist theology” is.

You say Ellen White was demonically possessed, please provide evidence from her writings that any of it is against God’s word:$fn=default.htm$vid=default.

I want to make sure I’m not being deceived. Thanks.
Adventist theology is based upon the writings and teachings of Ellen White and upon “sola scriptura”. It is a known fact that interpreting and understanding scripture by “sola scriptura” results in a myriad of confusing and conflicting results. This has been proven many timesover and also by the extraordinary number of Protestant denominations each one claiming to have arrived at its conclusion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
At this point it is extremely difficult to accept any denomination’s theology, no matter how licit it may seem.

Jesus founded only one Church and He gave it His full authority ( Mat. 16:17-19 ). This Church is the Catholic Church and it alone has the Christ given authority to interpret scripture. It also has been guided and protected from error by the Holy Spirit for these past 2000 years. Proof of this is that the Catholic Church teaches the same truths given it by Jesus and the Apostles today as when they were first given…

Each item you have listed, and asked, has been presented and answered many times before. Everything that the Church does and teaches is supported by scripture. You have only to read and understand. I suggest that you read and study about the early Church and Church Fathers. They have all the answers you want.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
Since there’s a topic, I have a few questions for the SDA’s here.
  1. The Gregorian calender was adopted in the 1500’s. What guarantee can you provide that when the switch was made, Saturday STAYED Saturday. In other words - how do we know that when the calender was changed, the old Saturday didn’t overlap with/BECOME the new Sunday, so that today, on what we now call Sunday is actually the sabbath of biblical times?
  2. For what reason do you conclude that the sabbath is on Saturday in the first place? Scripture does tell us that the sabbath is on the 7th day of the week, but exactly what the 7th day of the week is varies from country to country. In the United States, Saturday is the 7th day, but in many other countries, Sunday is considered 7th.
  3. For what reason do you conclude that the sabbath is to be our day of worship? I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I must be crazy, but seriously - ask yourself this question. I’ve read the bible. It tells us to rest on the sabbath. It tells us to keep the sabbath holy. But nowhere does the bible tell us to worship on the sabbath. So why do you?
Steve, there’s a very good reason to proclaim the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14…because those who accept the assumed authority of Lucifer will be destroyed and God wants HIS people (including you!) OUT of this system. I will certainly admit that my tone isn’t always as humble as Jesus Christ’s, but the BIBLE reveals the truth of everything I’ve presented. All I ask is that you use the Bible to refute anything that I’ve presented.

The truth isn’t always comfortable and pleasing to hear. That’s why Paul writes that some in the last days will heap unto themselves teachers, having itching ears; and shall turn away their ears from the truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
And what, pray tell, does that have to do with the Catholic Church? Please do not come up with the same tired argument that “Babylon represents the Church”. If you read further in Chapter 17 you will see that the punishment of Babylon is described as a past event, not a future one. It is speaking of Rome and the pagan kings subject to Rome and the cult of the Emperor. Most likely it is speaking of the reign of Nero. Chapter 19 even alludes to Babylon persecuting the Church. Well, there was only one Church at that time and it was the Catholic Church and I don’t think the Church was persecuting itself.

You approach scripture with the same preconceived notions of many Catholic bashers before you and follow their same arrogant tact in your proselytizing. I don’t particularly care what you believe but when you come to a Catholic forum, state that the Catholic Church is under the control of Satan and then tell Catholics to run from their Church, you’re crossing a line.
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