
You seem to forget that the Orthodox Churches carry legitimate ordinations and utilize the Sacrament of Reconcilliation. So, therefore, a faithful Orthodox could go straight to Heaven, because they can avail themselves of Baptism, Confirmation (although these happen simultaneously) Eucharist, Matrimony, Reconcilliation, Holy Orders, and Annointing of the Sick. So, what would the impediment be for an Orthodox saint?I still hold to my original post. No one can enter heaven with sin on their soul. No one! Unless by the grace of God He allows it. Name a person who God has done this to. I’m curious to know. I also stand by if you are not Catholic you will not go straight to Heaven. There is no possible way for you soul to be completely clean without the sacrament of confession. Venial sins get you to purgatory, mortal sin gets you to hell.
The ultimate goal is heaven, that’s where our saintlyhood really begins. To agrue about being a saint here on earth is pointless. We are saints-in-the-making until the day we die. Remember, we can always stray. To say that a person never sins is ridiculous! Even the Saints sinned on earth. What did they do? They went to confession. We are human and only through the grace of God will we be Saints. We must follow his commandments, Jesus’s teachings and the Catholic teachings passed down through the apostles.
All these harsh words are screaming of pride! Be careful that the devil does not insnare you. Otherwise you will have sin on your soul and will be in need of confession.![]()