Judge Dismisses Rudy's Suit

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Sorry, you have this completely backwards. Trump and his people are making false statements to undermine the system.
They are in court. If they make false statements they get thrown out of court. That doesn’t undermine the electoral system. That sustains it.
They are now saying that the GOP governor of Georgia is involved in the conspiracy, and may have taken bribes (or given them depending on which conspiracy they are using at the moment).
And the courts will decide the veracity of the claim.
They are alleging massive international conspiracy
And if they lack evidence, the courts will dismiss this.

What more do you want? Really, what do you want to see done? Should he be arrested? Not allowed to access the courts? What specifically, and how would that fit into the laws of the land?
That kind of direct attack on our electoral system,
You may consider the rhetoric contrary to the system, but it does not undermine it. That’s why we have the courts.
Further, have you cared one bit what Trump has said for four years? Why care now?
Now the internet has taken the place of those tabloids, and it’s harder to ascertain what’s true and what’s false.
That is a good question for pondering. I seem to find it possible to sift through most of what is true. While I may not always know the unlikely stuff that is true as quick as those who follow the tabloid internet equivalent, I usually know what is true eventually, and without all those odd rabbit trails that end up no where but someone else’s bank account.

For the first week, I was anticipating the law suits, believing none of them, but neither discounting the possibility some my bear fruit. Now that none has, and the tactic has shifted to trying to woo legislators into assuming a dishonest election and just giving the incumbent electors he did not win, I no longer look to honest lawsuits being feasible, unless it is Biden’s team that has to start intervening.
I have no problem with what Toomey said. What he properly did not do is what done here have done: try to undermine the process by mischaracterizing the right to challenge in court.
Well, lots of us have seen our country twisted beyond recognition for the past four years! We have done our best to fix it but we have had the media, liberal law makers and judges all against us! Now funny business with “honest” elections???
His own money? He is actively fundraising to fund this nonsense.
Yes, I agree with your point. It’s why I’m starting to think that Trump is displaying his mental issues with his known narcissistic traits. It’s beginning to look pathetic with all but two (minor ones) getting thrown out. It’d be different in my opinion had evidence been accepted in court. With so many being dismissed due to lack of evidence, he’s looking desperate. He also doesn’t seem to care how it looks.
Nothing but a personal attack on Trump.
Yes, I agree with your point. It’s why I’m starting to think that Trump is displaying his mental issues with his known narcissistic traits. It’s beginning to look pathetic with all but two (minor ones) getting thrown out. It’d be different in my opinion had evidence been accepted in court. With so many being dismissed due to lack of evidence, he’s looking desperate. He also doesn’t seem to care how it looks.
Nothing but a personal attack on Trump.
Of course…I stated it as my opinion. I never hated Trump as so many have accused but I didn’t particularly like him either. I’ve had problems with his personality from the get go. I’m not going to apologize for it. I’m just stating how he has gone from bad to worse.

Btw, just as much as you have done on your opinions, I may do as well.
Those Trump supporters who sincerely believe this… That the entire election process was completely corrupted… that fraud was successfully carried out on a scale the world has never seen before… must logically now admit that the USA, contrary to a core principle of conservative politics, is far from the greatest nation on earth, but rather a third-world, corrupt, banana republic that is the laughing stock of the world.
Note, I am not saying that it is such… but if it’s democracy was this effectively subverted on such a monumental scale, the logical conclusion is that it’s one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.
Trump supporters who believe the Democrats successfully stole the entire election, managing to rig the process in countless counties with a terrifying competency, must acknowledge that they believe themselves to live in one of the least democratic, most corrupt, most backward countries on this planet.
But as they won’t, I don’t think they really believe, deep down, that there was fraud to the scale alleged… it’s bellyaching over Trump’s loss.
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If I raise money to cover my living expenses because I’ve had to quit my job supposedly due to having cancer, but I was lying about the cancer, is that really “my” money to use? Some would call that fraud.
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If I raise money to cover my living expenses because I’ve had to quit my job supposedly due to having cancer, but I was lying about the cancer, is that really “my” money to use?
Well, the Democrats lied about Russia collusion and spent $35 million in taxpayer money. Not sure how much they spent on the Ukrainian fraud and impeachment. Seems to me Trump not using tax dollars puts him light years ahead of Democrats.
People are free to give or not. I think money is better spent on the Georgia senate races, so I wouldn’t recommend giving to the president’s lost cause.
Those Trump supporters who sincerely believe this… That the entire election process was completely corrupted… that fraud was successfully carried out on a scale the world has never seen before… must logically now admit that the USA, contrary to a core principle of conservative politics
On this I agree. I’ve seen no evidence, and it would have leaked out, of that level of fraud. If Powell has something that huge, share it.
Note, I am not saying that it is such… but if it’s democracy was this effectively subverted on such a monumental scale, the logical conclusion is that it’s one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.
Or one party is. Thank goodness we have a court system designed to deal with such things.
But I might add that the greater the power usurped by the general government, moving is away from the federalist system that made us the greatest country in the world, the greater the chance for huge levels of corruption.
Also, thank goodness got the electoral college, another layer of protection from corruption at the general government level.
James Carville pronounced confidently back in September that Biden would win. I could tell by the look on his face he was assured of a Biden victory.
He had a sneaky smirk on his face.
James Carville always has a sneaky smirk on his face. That isn’t evidence.
I didn’t claim it to be “evidence”, but it made me very suspicious of what inside knowledge he seemed to be privy too in order to so confidently announce that Biden would be the winner.
More than half of CAF was 100% confident that Trump would win.
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Unfortunately the court system is unable to give back the time and money that the defendants must waste on frivolous lawsuits. And that is the crux of the problem. The plaintiff and its lawyers risk nothing by making false and unsupported claims which waste the resources of the court system and the time and money of the defendant, who is unable to carry out the legally valid activities he won.
I’m all in favor of loser pays for all civil suits. Or better, losing lawyer pays. What I’m not in favor of is denying access to the courts.
You haven’t heard of the never Trumpers?
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