Non-Catholics -- dealing with heresy

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I am trying to understand what it is you are saying.
Our prayers are human. They happen in time. Time is irrelevant to God. God transcends any created thing.
If a prayer has a benefit, God can unite that prayer to God’s purposes as God sees fit, outside consideration of time.

Time is for human beings, not God. In God there is no “before”, or “after”.
Christ was incarnate with human nature in the year '00. His death and resurrection accomplished salvation. But you live now in the year 2019.
Do you see the point?
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Honestly, I see nothing but confusion. If there is no before and after with God how can Jesus’ death and resurrection have any meaning for the salvation of mankind?
Honestly, I see nothing but confusion. If there is no before and after with God how can Jesus’ death and resurrection have any meaning for the salvation of mankind?
Because God is God. And God is not bound by creation, and is not bound by our limited ways of being. We are limited to a “then, now” existence. God is not limited by creation, and that includes the constraints of time.

How can you be saved? You personally? If Christ was incarnate, died and rose, 2000 years ago? You were not alive then and didn’t even meet Christ.
How is it that you are saved by an action that happened in the human past?
It can only be that the Son of God, in his divine personhood, is acting not only in human history, but also applying ae-ternally the grace he poured forth, even to those who lived before him.
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I don’t want any part of a god who is limited by the timing, nature, and efficacy of my prayers. I need the God that transcends this world.
I find that in the Church, the Mass, the Eucharist. The timeless unity of heaven and earth.
I am saved by an action in the human past by a promise of God. God loved us enough to give His One and only Son to die, once and in time, so that anyone who believes in His Son will have Eternal life. John 3:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
I am saved by an action in the human past by a promise of God. God loved us enough to give His One and only Son to die, once and in time, so that anyone who believes in His Son will have Eternal life. John 3:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
Ok awesome. So you accept that God pours out the grace of Christ’s life without constraint of time.
What then about a Catholic who is united to the Church in the body of the Church but is separated from the soul of the Church because he does not believe and practice all the Church teaches?
If he persists until death in that state he dies the second death.
I would not like that practiced again. Non-believers coming to Mass for the purpose of gathering dirt on us is why private confession is a thing.
Do you think it’s possible for sins to be forgiven after death?
Repent and be baptised. Baptism is necessary for salvation (but not sufficient on its own).
John the Baptist’s baptising did not forgive sins. He preached repent and be baptised.
In the case of the Apostles who were given authority by Christ when they preached to people who sincerely repented they were baptised and became Catholic and their sins at baptism were forgiven.
I’m really curious how you feel on a couple of points. If you truly believe baptism is necessary for salvation do you believe it is through the act of baptism we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you believe it is only through baptism we can be filled with the Holy Spirit?
I’m really curious how you feel on a couple of points. If you truly believe baptism is necessary for salvation do you believe it is through the act of baptism we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you believe it is only through baptism we can be filled with the Holy Spirit?
We are baptised with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
I understand that but can you be more specific to my questions?
How can I be more specific than that? There is only ONE GOD!
As you don’t seem to understand then obviously if there is only one God we are filled with the Holy Spirit at baptism.

In case you need scriptural support:

Acts 2:38

Peter (said) to them, "Repent and be baptized, 7 every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit.
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I understand what you said but you didn’t address my question originally.

You say “if there is only one God we are filled with the Holy Spirit at baptism.”

If we are only filled with the Holy Spirit at baptism how do you explain the people being filled with the Holy Spirit that Peter was talking to prior to baptism?

Acts 10: 47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
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