Once Saved--Always Saved

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Church Militant:
I have heard so much misbegotten rhetoric from some of you guys that I could puke. Allegations of a false gospel from a guy who CLAIMS he was Catholic but shows poor knowlege of what we believe, then lays into the church with the same old ignorant rhetoric that we hear day in and day out and answer day in and day out.
Yes CM. It really gets tired after a while. Individuals such as coach and his good friend James White preach a revisionist theology that was first invented in the 16th century. They do not understand or accept Sacred Tradition and Church History and they never will. The same false accusations supported by reformed interpretations are re-hashed over and over again. I ask myself–why is someone like coach participating in this forum? Is it to reveal the truth to a church that has held the fullness of truth for 2000 years? Is it to prosetylize us? Only coach and God knows the answer to these questions. But little does the coach realize that he revealed a very important scripture, regarding private interpretation which resulted in the splintering and divisions we now see in protestantism.

"…just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. "
–2 Pet 3:15-16
Originally Posted by Catholic Dude
I suggest that people go to Whites page. aomin.com you will see that he bitterly hates Catholics more than any religion.
Please substantiate this claim. Does disagreement equal hate? Do you hate me Catholic Dude? You continually take contrary positions against me–does that mean you “hate” me?
First of all I dont hate you or anyone else. When I said he hates Catholics I meant he hates the position of the Church, in his mind he is trying to expose a lie and save people from it. If you look on his apologetics page you will see he has way more articles under the CC page than any of the other ones. Again he hates the position, feels bad for the people.
Second about you, I have said this before on other threads that I admire any non Catholic who comes into these forums with their guns drawn. As Christians we dont hate eachother, but we know that there is one full truth and many half truths and holding that full truth is ideal. These threads are meant to get out peoples emotions and beliefs, in the end to find the answer. Yes some of these threads are meant to be calm and quiet, but otherones are flammable by their nature, like this one.
His position is weak. But in the end hes just another salesman pastoring his own store in Phoenix.
Nor do I know what this means. Because he sells stuff from his ministry? He’s not allowed to support himself or his ministry without be accused of being a salesman? Doesn’t Catholic Answers sell stuff? Are they pastoring their store? Will you be a gentleman and stop the unwarranted ad-Hominem? (Shakes head in disbelief).
And you accused him of hatred. :rolleyes:
I should be careful with this one. By sales I mean that he is the pastor of one church putting out his own version of Christianity. When I look at all the Prot churches around they might share common truths, but at the end of the day they preach what they want, even if it means the other church doesnt approve. By “store” I mean that anytime someone gets mad at what he sees in his church he opens up his own “church” and starts the same ball rolling again. Each one you go in claims they are more right than anyone else, and they proceed to show you why. At the end of the day there are people who refuse to give and one body united in Christ sounds as good as a 3rd grade orchestra. This gives Christianity a bad name. Your website is one in a billion, how many people believe the same exact version as you?

P.S. The moderators told me to not talk about James W anymore.
The two factors that most Prots adhere to are:
1)Everyone in the world deserves their very own Bible.
2)Everything they hear or read is relative to what they feel the Bible is saying. If you dont like it start your own Church.
I don’t and I don’t know any SS Protestant who does. Can you quote from a SS Protestant website or SS Protestant confession that states these things?

I dont know where to start. First of all of all the Prot churches I have been to only a very small percentage of their talk involved anything to do with helping the outside world. All of them opened up their Bible every week and started talking about a verse or two of what they noticed the other day while reading the Bible. This is not bad in inself. The problem comes when they act like prayer and reading the Bible are saving in them self. These are two of the most important things a person can do for his soul, but there is more than sitting in your room each night, or pointing a verse out to a stranger who could care less. Now if you want to open up a new can of worms in another thread I should say that many Prot pastors do want to do charitable works, and teach hard truths, but woe to him that is not careful, the “congregation” will throw him out and find a new pastor if he says something they dont “want” to hear.
One thing that was like a tractor beam that pulled me back to the CC was its missions all over the world helping people, all the charitable gifts it gave to the communities, how it stood up to evil like abortion with a loud voice. How can you look at a person like Mother Teresa and say she believes in the wrong version of Christianity? When you come into the Catholic Church you will cry when you see how charitable some of the Saint were. They gave their whole lives, even today, for 2000 years they have been giving up their lives in accordance with what Christ commanded. They accepted the CC and they are honored by the CC. I could never be a saint, but eveyday one has the spotlight on them, and I when I read about them I say how come no other church does this? Where are the saints outside of the CC. Prots dont hate the saints, but they unable to ackowledge them.
God bless,
Church Militant:
I still say that you should get your money back on all those books and tapes that you’ve been reading and listening to ABOUT the Catholic Church and perhaps invest in a copy of the CCC and Surprised By Truth.
Church Militant:
It’s not that we don’t have good Biblical and historical answers…it’s that you REFUSE to accept these answers and let it go.
To this I must add, and pardon me if my quote is not exact, “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.” I believe the original quote referred to belief in God, but it applies equally as well, to THE TRUTH!!!

Just Deb said:
To this I must add, and pardon me if my quote is not exact, “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.” I believe the original quote referred to belief in God, but it applies equally as well, to

:amen: :blessyou:
I have had discussions on other forums with Protestants who believe OSAS. The most common response has to do with a sense of security. They want to believe that they are going to heaven no matter what because they misunderstand the doctrine of grace. They use the Luther theory of snow covered dung to explain grace. Basically, they don’t believe they have changed or can change because deep down they are evil. God’s grace covers their wickedness and therefore they are now saved.

The reason why a Catholic can’t be saved, according to the conversations I have had, is because we are not really Christian and cannot accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal Savior if we adhere to the doctrines of the Catholic Church. According to them, Catholics are idol worshippers who believe they can be saved be works alone, that grace isn’t necessary. Because we pray to statues, believe Mary to be the mother of God and therefore make her greater than God, we are guilty of blasphemy. Basically, they believe the Jack Chick version of Catholicism.

I posed the very same question to a Fundamentalist who believes OSAS and she told me that if you are saved, you won’t want to sin, that you will want to please God. I replied that if I don’t please God I’m still saved so I don’t need to please God and I can live in my sins, she had no response.

People who believe OSAS are the same ones who believe faith and reason must be kept separate.

What I also found out from other Protestants who believe OSAS is the reason Catholics can’t be saved is because we disagree with them. In other words, they make themselves their own pope all the while claiming that the Church with the true pope is wrong. They have to attack the truth in order to set themselves up as the “chosen ones” who alone know the mind and will of God.
Swiss Guard said:
I have had discussions on other forums with Protestants who believe OSAS. The most common response has to do with a sense of security. They want to believe that they are going to heaven no matter what because they misunderstand the doctrine of grace. They use the Luther theory of snow covered dung to explain grace. Basically, they don’t believe they have changed or can change because deep down they are evil. God’s grace covers their wickedness and therefore they are now saved.

The reason why a Catholic can’t be saved, according to the conversations I have had, is because we are not really Christian and cannot accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal Savior if we adhere to the doctrines of the Catholic Church. According to them, Catholics are idol worshippers who believe they can be saved be works alone, that grace isn’t necessary. Because we pray to statues, believe Mary to be the mother of God and therefore make her greater than God, we are guilty of blasphemy. Basically, they believe the Jack Chick version of Catholicism.

I posed the very same question to a Fundamentalist who believes OSAS and she told me that if you are saved, you won’t want to sin, that you will want to please God. I replied that if I don’t please God I’m still saved so I don’t need to please God and I can live in my sins, she had no response.

People who believe OSAS are the same ones who believe faith and reason must be kept separate.

What I also found out from other Protestants who believe OSAS is the reason Catholics can’t be saved is because we disagree with them. In other words, they make themselves their own pope all the while claiming that the Church with the true pope is wrong. They have to attack the truth in order to set themselves up as the “chosen ones” who alone know the mind and will of God.

Good post swiss guard and welcome to the forum:) God Bless
It seems all here are tending to oversimplify. Catholic’s view Protestant salvation by grace as “too simplistic.” At the same time Protestants view Catholics as trying to earn what is given freely. While Catholics view salvation by faith and grace as promoting antinomianism, Protestants view the sacraments as a way to sin with impunity and have them absolved by a man and a penence without consequence. Protestants believe Christ came to make salvation, which was once complicated by an extensive system of law and sacrifice, available to all…simply. They believe the Church built a new system of tradition that made what Christ offered freely into something once again as inaccessible as pharisaical salvation. The statement in Revelation about those being judged according to their works are those who haven’t accepted Christ’s grace. Some are those who never heard the word of salvation. They then will be judged according to their works. Many will fall short. “small is the gate and narrow is the road, which leads to life, and only a few find it.” In that same verse we find a key to practicing salvation. “By their fruit you will know them.” Regarding predestination. It is important to know that these doctrines drew heavily on St. Augustine. It was a Catholic doctrine passed through Luther an Augustinian Monk. Even by Augustine, scripture is referenced for every claim. Christ said you didn’t choose me I chose you and said the father reveals himself to whomever he chooses. Both Pelagius and Augustine agreed that if there was any discrimination, it was only in time. God stands outside of time while humanity is bound by it. Calvin, the most severe proponent of this doctrine, asked us not allow it to become a snare to stop salvation. Protestants believe that Christ’s sacrifice was once and for all. The propitiation for sin is a constant process once we believe who he is and what he has done for us. The blood of Christ is constantly flowing on our behalf and washing though we are undeserving. He can only look at us through the blood of his son. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. God is perfection and can’t view imperfection until washed in Christ’s blood. It is only through his sacrifice that we can enter the presence of a perfect God. This is reinforced in Hebrews. What had to be done year after year with the blood of animals, was done once for all with the blood of the perfect lamb, the just for the unjust. We are then exhorted as a result of this change to live properly. But John does state that once done no one can snatch you from God’s hand and Paul in tells us in Romans 8 that once we believe nothing can separate us from God. I do believe that one can turn apostate. That however is not upheld by all Protestants. Salvation is easy to have but difficult to live. It costs nothing as I stated before but requires our everything, our life, belongings, devotion to the trinity, others, our complete allegiance to the Kingdom. We believe that it is necessary to confess our sins constantly to remain in proper stead with the Father. Short of rejection of Christ, we don’t believe we can lose salvation once conferred by the son. We do believe that many will barely be saved. 1 Cor. 3:13-15 “Every man’s work will be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire;and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” This is also an answer to revelation. Salvation is easy to obtain. Belief is all that is necessary. Once we believe we are asked to obey God’s commandment of baptism in the name of the trinity and other ordinances. The prime example of this is Philip’s explanation of salvation in Acts 8:37: “…what hindereth me from being baptized? And Philip said: If you believe with all your heart thou mayest.” Again in Acts 16:30 “…What must I do to be saved? They replied believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” Remember though salvation is free we must constantly live in close accord to commandments, and Paul reinforces this in Galatians after speaking of Grace to balance what God wants from us, but he warns that works are not going to save us. Galatians 5:4-6 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await through the spirit the righteousness for which we hope. …The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you are saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works so that no one can boast." Those protestants who separate faith from works are misguided. They have divorced our Christian responsibilities from salvation.
It seems all here are tending to oversimplify. Catholic’s view Protestant salvation by grace as “too simplistic.” At the same time Protestants view Catholics as trying to earn what is given freely. While Catholics view salvation by faith and grace as promoting antinomianism, Protestants view the sacraments as a way to sin with impunity and have them absolved by a man and a penence without consequence. Protestants believe Christ came to make salvation, which was once complicated by an extensive system of law and sacrifice, available to all…simply. They believe the Church built a new system of tradition that made what Christ offered freely into something once again as inaccessible as pharisaical salvation. The statement in Revelation about those being judged according to their works are those who haven’t accepted Christ’s grace. Some are those who never heard the word of salvation. They then will be judged according to their works. Many will fall short. “small is the gate and narrow is the road, which leads to life, and only a few find it.” In that same verse we find a key to practicing salvation. “By their fruit you will know them.” Regarding predestination. It is important to know that these doctrines drew heavily on St. Augustine. It was a Catholic doctrine passed through Luther an Augustinian Monk. Even by Augustine, scripture is referenced for every claim. Christ said you didn’t choose me I chose you and said the father reveals himself to whomever he chooses. Both Pelagius and Augustine agreed that if there was any discrimination, it was only in time. God stands outside of time while humanity is bound by it. Calvin, the most severe proponent of this doctrine, asked us not allow it to become a snare to stop salvation. Protestants believe that Christ’s sacrifice was once and for all. The propitiation for sin is a constant process once we believe who he is and what he has done for us. The blood of Christ is constantly flowing on our behalf and washing though we are undeserving. He can only look at us through the blood of his son. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. God is perfection and can’t view imperfection until washed in Christ’s blood. It is only through his sacrifice that we can enter the presence of a perfect God. This is reinforced in Hebrews. What had to be done year after year with the blood of animals, was done once for all with the blood of the perfect lamb, the just for the unjust. We are then exhorted as a result of this change to live properly. But John does state that once done no one can snatch you from God’s hand and Paul in tells us in Romans 8 that once we believe nothing can separate us from God. I do believe that one can turn apostate. That however is not upheld by all Protestants. Salvation is easy to have but difficult to live. It costs nothing as I stated before but requires our everything, our life, belongings, devotion to the trinity, others, our complete allegiance to the Kingdom. We believe that it is necessary to confess our sins constantly to remain in proper stead with the Father. Short of rejection of Christ, we don’t believe we can lose salvation once conferred by the son. We do believe that many will barely be saved. 1 Cor. 3:13-15 “Every man’s work will be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire;and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” This is also an answer to revelation. Salvation is easy to obtain. Belief is all that is necessary. Once we believe we are asked to obey God’s commandment of baptism in the name of the trinity and other ordinances. The prime example of this is Philip’s explanation of salvation in Acts 8:37: “…what hindereth me from being baptized? And Philip said: If you believe with all your heart thou mayest.” Again in Acts 16:30 “…What must I do to be saved? They replied believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” Remember though salvation is free we must constantly live in close accord to commandments, and Paul reinforces this in Galatians after speaking of Grace to balance what God wants from us, but he warns that works are not going to save us. Galatians 5:4-6 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await through the spirit the righteousness for which we hope. …The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you are saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works so that no one can boast." Those protestants who separate faith from works are misguided. They have divorced our Christian responsibilities from salvation.
What a first post:D .God Bless
But by faith we eagerly await through the spirit the righteousness for which we hope. …The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you are saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works so that no one can boast." Those protestants who separate faith from works are misguided. They have divorced our Christian responsibilities from salvation.
At first I was not sure what you were saying, and then I got to your conclusion. A good post here. You are right to point out that divorcing our Christian responsibilities from salvation is indeed very misguided.

It seems all here are tending to oversimplify. Catholic’s view Protestant salvation by grace as “too simplistic.” … Those protestants who separate faith from works are misguided. They have divorced our Christian responsibilities from salvation.
This is why a good Catholic buddy and I refer to OSAS and other non-Catholic forms of Christianity and “Christianity Lite”…

sueipetros, you sum this up very well. Thanks!
Pax vobiscum,
Hi Joshua,
Yes , I believe that once saved always saved. I believe this because I have faith in His ability. If you dont believe it than I guess it doesn’t apply to you and you can be lost. Me I dont want to be lost. Sure, now that I believe , He starts pruning me for good works and cuts away those parts of my personality or nature that are tied to the flesh. I have to pick up my cross and Yes I have tribulations in my life, but I trust in Him to deliver me. I just say Yes Abba Yes Abba.
I believe that not believing OSAS is sending souls to hell. Because your faith in Him is lacking. You may even resort to believing in your own works.
I hope this helps Jos,
walk in love
No one here believes that their good works saves them. We believe that Jesus saves us, BUT “NOT by faith alone are you saved” as mentioned in James epistle. You must believe AND you have to perform good works. Faith without works is nothing, because even the demons believe that Jesus is Lord.

The works doesn’t save you, but gives you the right to answer affirmatively when Jesus tells you, I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was in prison and you came to visit Me". What we do for God’s most needy we do for Him.

IF you believe but do nothing to help others, your faith is meaningless, and your Baptism becomes unbaptism. Not everyone who calls out Lord, Lord will be saved, but those who do the will of the Father… and that means loving God above all else and loving our neighbors. Loving God is only half of the deal, showing love for our neighbor completes the transaction.

UNFORTUNATELY, protestants removed that the book of James (and a few others, to match their incomplete theories) from the NT in the 15th century. Is it any wonder that they cling to a philosophy that is half baked.

Christ’s Peace, wc
Great, WC. As we all know,

Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

Seems like if OSAS was what Jesus intended, Paul would have been inspired to write…

Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is faith.
Great, WC. As we all know,

Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

Seems like if OSAS was what Jesus intended, Paul would have been inspired to write…

Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is faith.

Love in this instance means love for one another. Love is a decision we make to give ourselves on behalf of another. This is what we are asked to do, by helping the poor, feeding the hungry, etc…

But doing good won’t get you into paradise by itself. Think of it as a triangle of salvation, that has to be intact. Each side is Faith, Hope, and Love. Take away one of those sides and you don’t have a triangle anymore; you don’t have salvation.
Hi Joshua,
Yes , I believe that once saved always saved. I believe this because I have faith in His ability. If you dont believe it than I guess it doesn’t apply to you and you can be lost. Me I dont want to be lost. Sure, now that I believe , He starts pruning me for good works and cuts away those parts of my personality or nature that are tied to the flesh. I have to pick up my cross and Yes I have tribulations in my life, but I trust in Him to deliver me. I just say Yes Abba Yes Abba.
I believe that not believing OSAS is sending souls to hell. Because your faith in Him is lacking. You may even resort to believing in your own works.
I hope this helps Jos,
walk in love
It seems the major problem or the real difference is not whether you do good works in addition to believing or whether you do them as a result of believing. The point is that you in fact actually do good works and do not expect that by ideally professing that Jesus is Lord you are automatically saved.

The bigger issue is can you lose your faith and later be condemned, and the answer to that is yes. You can willfully turn away from God, and perform all sorts of evil deeds. You can become a Hitler or a Tim Mcvey or a Jeffrey Dahmer, and kill a boatload of people, and your prior profession of Jesus is Lord will in all likelyhood be cancelled. (we don’t know if these folks repented before their demise, but if they did not, they’re toast)

St Paul himself proclaims that Baptism can become un-Baptism. It will be as if you never proclaimed Jesus at all.

The OSAS idea is just plain stupid (most likely started by Satan himself). Just because I was baptized at age 6, and was raised Catholic or another Christian sect does not give me free rein to go out and commit any and every atrocity imaginable, AND still expect to be saved because 50 or 60 years ago, I proclaimed that Jesus is Lord.

That is patently absurd, and folks who preach this rubbish are sending an awful lot of folks to damnation who buys in on this nonsense. Of all the worlds philosophies, this one notion is by far the most illogical of any beliefs. Even a 10 year old will tell you that if you go out and do something seriously wrong, you wll pay for your actions.

The OSAS idea takes all accountability out of anyone’s actions and directly contradicts Jesus’ own statements that the wicked will answer to God for the evil that they do and the rightgeous will be rewarded for the good that they do.

I’m not a believer in OSAS, but in Perseverance of the Saints. However, since no OSAS adherant is answering your question, I will try to give the OSAS reply. I used to believe in OSAS, by the way.

The reason why you shouldn’t be Catholic, is because Rome has a false Gospel that is man-centered and focused on works and meriting salvation with deeds (along with faith, of course). Because this isn’t the true Gospel, and one with this mindset may boast in their works since it is their contribution to their salvation (Eph 2:8-10), this isn’t a true faith in Jesus and His Gospel. Putting your faith in a false Gospel jeopardizes your soul.

Now, that being said, I join you in attacking the false belief in OSAS. Hopefully my answer will help you understand what OSAS people believe.

God bless,
Just Deb said:
To this I must add, and pardon me if my quote is not exact, “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.” I believe the original quote referred to belief in God, but it applies equally as well, to

Well said Deb!
It strikes me as intellectually inconsistent for the OSAS crowd to say they need do nothing to assure themselves of guaranteed salvation, then turn around and say " but first you have to ask Jesus to come into your heart ", or, " accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour “. That kinda-sorta implies you have to do something
If luther was right, as in his writings, that you could murder ( 6th Commandment-Thou shalt not murder ) 150 and still be saved because you have “faith”, then why did Jesus specifically state " if you want your sins forgiven…you must forgive others…”. This is repeated in Matthew, something that is not done for other sayings.
So, how do the OSAS-ers, “my sins will be washed away by His blood”, get their sins forgiven? Doesn’t this direct statement of forgiveness assert that we MUST DO something, ie, forgive?
If once saved always saved then what happens to the person who dies while commiting adultry, or lying or stealing or murder? What happens if a person sins and does not repent immediately? Is he still saved between the sin and the repentence? Judas Iscariot was one of Christs own chosen disciples, he was lost after the sin of handing over the innescent Christ, he never asked forgiveness, do you suppose he thought he was once saved always saved?

What if the believers of once saved always saved believe they dont sin anymore now that they are Christians. Scripture does say that we wont sin anymore. But then on the other hand Scripture says If we say we have no sin, the truth is not in us. Also scripture says we sin 7 times per day. It also says that there is sin unto death and sin not unto death, . That the sin unto death needs to be confessed and repented of, and that the sin not unto death can be prayed for by others for us unto forgivness.

Lastly, when Christ assended into heaven, why did he breath on the 12 apostles and say “Receive ye the holy spirit, if ye forgive men theri sins they are forgiven, and if ye retain their sins they are retained.”

There is scripture where the scribes are accusing Jesus of blasphemy because Jesus said to one, your sins are forgiven. The scribe said only God can forgive sins. But the scripture says that the power to forgive sins was given to “MEN” (IN THE PLURAL)
it also says to confess your sins to one another. Why do that if once saved always saved? Is scripture scrupulous? Why confess if we are saved from sin and death and hell? I"m just afraid that the "Once saved always saved "is one of those fables as spoken of in scripture.
It strikes me as intellectually inconsistent for the OSAS crowd to say they need do nothing to assure themselves of guaranteed salvation, then turn around and say " but first you have to ask Jesus to come into your heart ", or, " accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour “. That kinda-sorta implies you have to do something
If luther was right, as in his writings, that you could murder ( 6th Commandment-Thou shalt not murder ) 150 and still be saved because you have “faith”, then why did Jesus specifically state " if you want your sins forgiven…you must forgive others…”. This is repeated in Matthew, something that is not done for other sayings.
So, how do the OSAS-ers, “my sins will be washed away by His blood”, get their sins forgiven? Doesn’t this direct statement of forgiveness assert that we MUST DO something, ie, forgive?
that is a very good response and there are some excellent questions that have yet to be answered by those who believe in OSAS

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