Seventh Day Adventists

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First of all, you assume I am SDA. I am not; I am just not blind to the fact that the CC has abandoned the true Sabbath. And, YES, the entire reformation was based on the CC being the beast. I will agree with you that not all Protestants STILL teach this.

As for proof of vicar of son of God. Check this out. I don’t expect you to read the beginning, just scroll down to the relevant section.

Who says all of those are lies about the CC? In regard to the ten commandments…If the CC had not messed with the order of the commandments given in Exodus, these beliefs would not have come to be.

What about the accusation that the CC abolished the Saturday Sabbath? Lie? Or that Constantine made it law to observe the “venerable day of the sun” in 321 and made no mention of God? More important, this law said that you could NOT observe Saturday. Another lie?

What am I supposed to gather when the people who forged the donation of Constantine used “vicar of the son of God” in it? And then this donation was claimed by many Popes as justification of their power.

Of course the rebuttal on the Sabbath topic will be…The entire early church met on Sunday. Wrong. Another wonderful website.

Read with an open mind.

To my SDA friend I am still waiting for a reply to some of my sabbath arguements at the bottom of this thread:

If you can show these guys their idea of the sabbath is wacked their theology falls like a house of cards. Please read some of the info in this thread before it’s swept under the carpet. Go for the sabbath idea first and try not to get side tracked into all their endless conspiracys. SDA is a dangerous sect that uses fear as mind control and constantly bombards it’s members with horror stories about Rome. I have a good who goes in and out of SDA and has a hard time with some of the cult triggers that keep pulling her back in. She has been in counseling for quite awhile because of it. Be patient though it will take some time friends. I have tons of SDA material so if you get hung up feel free to e-mail me. God bless!
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blesses art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy whom, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Excuse me, but where does it say Mary is Lord? Where does it say that we are worshiping her? Hail Mary, full of grace, ***the Lord is with thee. ***Seems very proper to me.
The prayer is in three parts:

“Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.” This is the Annunciation, the Angel’s words to Mary. And it is straight out of scripture.

“Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” This is the Visitation, Elizabeth’s words to Mary, again straight out of scripture.

“Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.” This is the petition – where we ask her to intercede for us – just as any Protestant minister might ask his congregation to pray for someone who is ill or in difficulties.
I love it when people tell us to read something with an open mind, although it is presented through decades of closemindedness.
This letter from Ignatius solidifies what I am trying to say. Was he from Rome?
No As I said, he was from Antioch why would you say Rome?. Get a map out and find Antioch for yourself. Then look up the Magnesians who he writes to. Who are they, and where do they live? I’d give you the answer, but you need the exercise.
The ONLY places this was taking place was in Alexandria and Rome, the rest of the world still observed the sabbath.
Prove it.
The TRADITION of honoring the venerable sun was perpetuated in Rome and Alexandria. This sun-religion is the oldest religion known to man.
Prove it
Is it a coincidence that the birthday of the sun-god Mithra is December 25?
1.Mithra is a myth. A fable. An invention of someone’s overactive imagination. An early Greek doing LSD
  1. Jesus is God.
The church made Christ’s birthday the same day to help recruit pagans.
Are you doing crack again?
Also, why change the day (rules for determining) of Easter from the biblical day? Didn’t Paul speak of a falling away from the true church? I think he did, 2 Thes.
Yep he’s on crack
Y’know people, I’m willing to Trav a point here . The early Catholic Church was indeed recruiting pagans. Another word for pagans is “Gentiles”. The New Testament is full of stories of Paul preaching to Helenists and the like.

I think, though, the point of recruiting, or evangelizing, pagans (gentiles) was to make them Catholics.

We can give Trav the truth that there was some mixing of the cultures. It’s gone now, but back then, OK. Pagan, or gentile, culture mixed in. We still see mixing of cultures in, say, Haiti, where vodoo and Catholicism are mixed.

If you think about it, Christianity was still being invented. So, dogmas like Trinity took some time to develop because the early church was busy recruiting (evangelizing) pagans (gentiles). Only After getting people to join the church did the Fathers have time to consider scripture and its meaning.

Good call, Trav. Attaboy! 👍
Steve b,

An excerpt from a Catholic site…
Also called Theophorus (ho Theophoros); born in Syria, around the year 50; died at Rome between 98 and 117. When were these writings; when he live in Rome?

Enough said??

I find it hilarius that one guy concedes the fact that Gentiles were pagans, while you insist that I must be on crack. Open your eyes people. Read the prophecy, and then take a hard look at the CC.
Subrosa…you do damage with your posts about paganism mixing with Catholicism.

No, prove that Rome and Alexandria weren’t the only places Sunday was being observed. Since the sources for my argument greatly outweigh the sources against, the onus falls on you.

Like I said, you are old. I will fail in my attempt to convince you. But, if you are suggesting that kneeling and prayer do not suggest some form of worshipping… then I ask Steve b…who is on crack?

Oh, and I love the “Mithra is a fable” point of view. Seriously, get some f’n eyeballs. Yeah and Steve b…you realize that LSD was invented by our American gov’t, right? It wasn’t around in those times. And what, the rules for determining Easter didn’t change?

Philosophy and/or vain deceit? You decide.

Let us therefore no longer keep the Sabbath after the Jewish manner, and rejoice in days of idleness; for "he that does not work, let him not eat."57 For say the [holy] oracles, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread.“58 But let every one of you keep the Sabbath after a spiritual manner, rejoicing in meditation on the law, not in relaxation of the body, admiring the workmanship of God, and not eating things prepared the day before, nor using lukewarm drinks, and walking within a prescribed space, nor finding delight in dancing and plaudits which have no sense in them.59 And after the observance of the Sabbath, let every friend of Christ keep the Lord’s Day as a festival, the resurrection-day, the queen and chief of all the days [of the week].”

4 entries found for philosophy.
 **phi·los·o·phy**   [](  ( P )  [**Pronunciation Key**](  (f
n. pl. **phi·los·o·phies **

  1. *] Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
    *] Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.

Duh… every unbeliever is a pagan are they not?

You are wrong about the worship…no news there and your iconoclastic arguments are the same ones that were inspired back in church history by the influence of the Moslems, so I think you’d probably make a good Talliban, since they are fundamentalist Moslems and believe the same error.

And why do you use “f’n” in your post, since it’s a euphemism for something profane. That’s just offensive…

Look, you’ve got no valid arguments and we’ve answered you on every misbegotten allegation that you’ve made whether you’re happy with those answers or not is really irrelevent to us. If you were hear to discuss…you’d accept that and move on to go bother the mormons or JWs, since the Catholic that really know their faith were thorougly unmoved by your efforts to disparage our most holy faith and top be proselytized by you. To quote Dennis Leery: “Not happenin’!”

Keep your crazy allegations and your weird doctrines.
I (for one) pass…
Pax tecum, :cool:
I salute your half-hearted attempt. The problem still remains: I will always be more intelligent than you.

Now, on to more pressing matters. Does anyone else find it F’N hilarious that someone actually condemned so-called profanity and then quoted Denis Leary? I personally find the reference that I would make a good Taliban quite a bit more f’n offensive.

Where the ____ are people’s brains? I can say Gosh, Darn, Dang, Dad Gummit, ****, Shoot, Heck, Rats, Fudge, Chinga tu madre, but yet I can’t say “f’n.” Which is obviously short for “freakin.” I do not see the big deal here, but yet I am not surprised because I realize the source.

Also ironic, is the name “Church Militant.” Seriously, nobody expects the Spanish inquisition. I urge you would-be respondents to not dwell on the first two sentences of my statement. They are irrefutable. Instead, try to understand just what is going on here.

You will never silence me.
Silence is never my point and You have really shown what your personal version of faith is all about. This post simply makes it all the more clear.
Pax tecum, :cool:
Silence is never my point and You have really shown what your personal version of faith is all about. This post simply makes it all the more clear.

Your frustration and anger just make you seem less credible, and you use of profanity just makes you seem to have rules for us that you yourself will not follow.

What is really going on here? To quote an old rock song: “Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep…”
Pax tecum, :cool: :irish1:
Wait a minute, they actually censored c.r.a.p?
Are you serious? Let’s try poop. That’s p.o.o.p. How about feces? F.e.c.e.s. Come on now, bowel movement?

But yet you have no reply to the Denis Leary/profanity question. Why?

You quote a song by Buffalo Springfield, yet you have no idea what he was singing about. Could it be marijuana smoking? The song was about a socialist paradise where marijuana was used to keep the people in line. Which, by the way, is quite plausible since marijuana also creates deep apathy.
Since the quote itself is not profane…Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: It’s probably the most profound thing that guy’s ever said. 😃

“For What It’s Worth”? I’m glad you got that all figured out…even though I know the old song inside out and that’s not at all what it’s about. :rolleyes:
Oh well… :cool:
Okay, since I know the Bible inside and out, I know what it is saying, right?

Or do I think I do? Not Urdu.
Like I said, you are old. I will fail in my attempt to convince you. But, if you are suggesting that kneeling and prayer do not suggest some form of worshipping… then I ask Steve b…who is on crack?
With age comes wisdom, and I’ve seen a lot of half-educated anti-Catholics play this game. (And you’re not very good at it.)

In any Protestant church in the land you can hear the minister ask the congregation to pray for someone who is sick or in trouble.

That’s the minister praying to the congregation, and asking them to intercede.
Okay, since I know the Bible inside and out, I know what it is saying, right?

Or do I think I do? Not Urdu.
Will you stop acting like a child and start preaching God’s Love instead of teaching about your hate for the Catholic Church. I have not read a single positive thing typed by you yet (i could be wrong i didnt read everything you wrote just most of it). I don’t really care what you think is right or wrong. We all listen to God through prayer, he tells us through prayer what is right or wrong and no one can say otherwise. And you can rant and rave about the Bible says this and the Bible says that, well guess what the Catholic Church gave you the Bible so there must be something to that. Don’t believe me check any history book.

God’s Love
My sister recently joined the SDA church. She did this because she is a vegetarian and finds more fellowship in a church that practices a healthy lifestyle. A lot of members seem to also follow the vegetarian way of life. I’m a little upset about this but she is an adult who makes her own choices. She’s changed denominations several times already and each time she gets into a new church she starts evangilizing,etc. to me.

I mentioned to her that the SDA has a history of Catholic bashing but she doesn’t believe me. According to her, nothing is said that’s anti-Catholic in her church.

If she starts bashing my faith how do I handle it? Aside from my son, she’s the only blood relative I have and I don’t want to lose her.
My sister recently joined the SDA church. She did this because she is a vegetarian and finds more fellowship in a church that practices a healthy lifestyle. A lot of members seem to also follow the vegetarian way of life. I’m a little upset about this but she is an adult who makes her own choices. She’s changed denominations several times already and each time she gets into a new church she starts evangilizing,etc. to me.

I mentioned to her that the SDA has a history of Catholic bashing but she doesn’t believe me. According to her, nothing is said that’s anti-Catholic in her church.

If she starts bashing my faith how do I handle it? Aside from my son, she’s the only blood relative I have and I don’t want to lose her.
Don’t feel like you have to give her an answer on the spot if she starts pitching fast balls at you. If you can’t give her a satisfactory answer on the spot, take note of the questions and say I’ll get back to you with the answer. Don’t bluff your way through an answer. All the resources are available to you here.
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