It is impossible to cultivate a devotion to Daily Mass, Sacred Scripture, or Liturgy of the Hours without having it lead to devotion to the saints. It is impossible to cultivate a devotion to the Passion and Stations of the Cross without having it lead to the Mother of God.
- Daily Mass and daily Communion
- Weekly Confession
- A weekly or even daily holy hour before the Most Blessed Sacrament
- Daily meditation on the Passion of Christ or the walking of the Stations of the Cross
- Daily reading of Sacred Scripture
- The praying of the Liturgy of the Hours, at least Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer.
Unless you only attend Mass on ferias. And stop up your eyes and ears to avoid hearing/reading Scripture about the Saints and Mary. And that would include St. Moses, St. Elijah, St. Daniel the Prophet. Even the OT would be a thin volume if we omitted the lives of the saints. Imagine the kind of skipping around we would have to do to edit Mary from the NT!
Perhaps we’re getting hung up on semantics here. I consider it “having devotion” to honor a saint. That’s a different thing than “practicing specific devotions” such as prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help.
Saying that one can have a robust prayer life without invoking the saints smacks of protestantism at its finest. If you want to go directly to Jesus all the time, don’t you dare ask your friends or family to pray for you. And don’t pray for them. Because that’s participation in the Communion of Saints.
The saints speak to us through the stories of their lives, through their writings, through the prayers that the Church has composed. I find it absurd that a human being can be without devotion to even a single saint. Surely there must be one, or some, that resonate in your life, that you look up to, admire, aspire to holiness because of their examples. Surely as you cannot go through life without speaking to your family, your friends, your neighbors, you cannot go through this life without praying to saints, even if you only invoke them in times of need or distress. It would be folly to concentrate so singularly on Jesus that you ignore His holy ones.