THE CAFETERIA IS CLOSED at St. John the Baptist School, Cost Mesa CA

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How can scandal be a sin? Causing one, perhaps. So the kids have activist parents. They have enough problems to deal with being adopted and having gay parents. How much is enough for these kids? Where does it say in Catholic teaching that we are to ostracize children or to make them feel unwanted because of their parents?
Where does it say you legitimize homosexual “unions”? Thank God, the school is slowly coming to its senses and following Church teaching rather than the moral relativism of the pc police.
Penny Plain. Johnny going down on Franky is as disgusting as sex involving blood and feces. Most people know this is disgusting abnormal behavior.The insinuation that gay men don’t engage in anal sex is false.Historically, the use of the nitrite inhalants (amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite, etc.) for recreational purposes has been limited almost entirely to gay men.The first reports of recreational use date from the early 1960s, after the amyl nitrite prescription requirement was eliminated by the FDA. The drug appeared to intensify and prolong the sensation of orgasm. It facilitated anal intercourse, by relaxing the by relaxing the smooth sphincter muscles and deadening the sense of pain.(3)
Well, you’re the one who went off on the blood and feces kick, not me.

Not all gay men engage in anal sex. Not all gay men use poppers (note my familiarity with the slang term for amyl nitrite, a subtle attempt to establish my street cred in this area; impressed?).

I find the straight fascination with what gays do in the bedroom fascinating. (Note to self: too post-modern? Revisit.) I find the straight fascination with what lesbians do hilarious, especially my husband’s fascination with the topic.

I find your wackiness inspiring, Dandelion. Keep it coming.
Penny Plain:
It sounds to me like you want to raise your children in an Ozzie and Harriet world. I think we all would, if we had the chance. The problem is, though, that we don’t. Ozzie and Harriet were, well, not real. You want the perfect environment for your kids that we all want – where all parents are strong and wise and capable, and all children are happy and beloved.
For my part, I fully intend to raise my children in that kind of environment. Their parents are wise and capable. They will be beloved, and most probably happy.

Most of all, I intend to let my children BE CHILDREN until adolescence. I intend to shield them from sexual deviancy at least through their formative years. I want them neither to lose their sense of wonder nor their ability to be shocked.
Promotor Fidei people should know the disgusting and disease spreading behavior that some Catholics promote or condone. Perhaps the truth is what is bothering you Penny Plain, you condone behavior that is an abomination.Behavior The Roman Catholic Church clearly condemns.To top it off you want children exposed to this filth I truly wonder why?

I don’t get your statement about the current Pope, can you clarify?
April, 1984 - Most Rev. John Shojiro Ito, Bishop of Niigata, Japan, after years of extensive investigation, declares the events of Akita, Japan, to be of supernatural origin, and authorises throughout the entire diocese the veneration of the Holy Mother of Akita. He said: “The message of Akita is the message of Fatima.”
June, 1988 - Vatican City - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gives definitive judgement on the Akita events and messages as reliable and worthy of belief.
Promotor Fidei people should know the disgusting and disease spreading behavior that some Catholics promote or condone. Perhaps the truth is what is bothering you Penny Plain, you condone behavior that is an abomination.Behavior The Roman Catholic Church clearly condemns.To top it off you want children exposed to this filth I truly wonder why?
You are one of the few people in this world that frightens me Dandilion. the hatred is nauseating. i’ll pray for you.

Thanks, I was not aware that Our Pope had said that back then as Cardinal Ratzinger.
Penny Plain, you condone behavior that is an abomination.Behavior The Roman Catholic Church clearly condemns.To top it off you want children exposed to this filth I truly wonder why?
Do you truly wonder? Or do you just wonder? I explained my reasons already. Innocence based on ignorance is no defense against anything.

I “condone” nothing. I got into this silly “debate” because of Fix’s suggestion that Catholic schools forbid the enrollment of all children whose parents live in public sin, or some such thing. (I forget the exact phrase, and I’m too lazy to go look it up, but I know a “decree of nullity” was in there someplace.) I think our Church and our schools should be open to all children, whether their parents are saints or sinners.

As to exposing children to this filth… Wow. You are the one who feels it necessary to bring up graphic details of homosexual intercourse in a forum that children may read. You are the one who seems obsessed with what gays do in the bedroom. People are much, much more than their conduct, Dandelion. Maybe once you outgrow your own adolescence, you’ll come to understand that.
Promotor Fidei:
For my part, I fully intend to raise my children in that kind of environment. Their parents are wise and capable. They will be beloved, and most probably happy.

Most of all, I intend to let my children BE CHILDREN until adolescence. I intend to shield them from sexual deviancy at least through their formative years. I want them neither to lose their sense of wonder nor their ability to be shocked.
I wish you luck, and I hope it works out for you.
Penny Plain:
As to exposing children to this filth… . People are much, much more than their conduct, Dandelion. .
No, they’re not. People’s conduct influences everything about them.

If I am honest in small things, then I will be honest in big things.

What people do, even in private, influences their thinking and what they do in public.

Children have a right to proper education. That proper education does not include those homosexuals going against Catholic teaching in a Catholic school. I do not believe for one second that the homosexual parents chose this school for any other reason than to promote their agenda and make a name for themselves in the gay community as “heroes.”
Penny Plain:
I “condone” nothing. I got into this silly “debate” because of Fix’s suggestion that Catholic schools forbid the enrollment of all children whose parents live in public sin, or some such thing. (I forget the exact phrase, and I’m too lazy to go look it up, but I know a “decree of nullity” was in there someplace.) I think our Church and our schools should be open to all children, whether their parents are saints or sinners.
Is it really such a strange notion? Standards for a private school? Shocking. Why would parents want to send their children to a school that will teach them that their parents are living in a way that contradicts Christ’s will?

Why is is acceptable to expose all the other children to lifestyle choices that are immoral? Do the parents of all the other children at the school have no “rights”? Are they to be placed at the mercy of those who choose to rebel?
You are one of the few people in this world that frightens me Dandilion. the hatred is nauseating. i’ll pray for you.

Are we to believe you are more frightened by the pointed truth that was posted than the lies that are promoted by the “gay” community?

In all honesty the deviant acts are not talked about enough. The natural repulsion one experiences when they hear about these things are minimized when the accent is removed from the acts and spun to be seen solely as happy, gay, folks.
Is it really such a strange notion? Standards for a private school? Shocking. Why would parents want to send their children to a school that will teach them that their parents are living in a way that contradicts Christ’s will?

Why is is acceptable to expose all the other children to lifestyle choices that are immoral? Do the parents of all the other children at the school have no “rights”? Are they to be placed at the mercy of those who choose to rebel?
God forbid that that comes to our Catholic school. The day that happens will be the day we pull our kids out of school and homeschool them instead.

What is the verse again? “Raise them up in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart.” (Sound right?)

Obedience to God is something required of us to get into heaven. I will not subject our children to the embrace of disobedience (especially by teachers and principals).
God forbid that that comes to our Catholic school. The day that happens will be the day we pull our kids out of school and homeschool them instead.

What is the verse again? “Raise them up in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart.” (Sound right?)

Obedience to God is something required of us to get into heaven. I will not subject our children to the embrace of disobedience (especially by teachers and principals).
It is called desensitization. It is promoted by the deviant community and given cover by those “liberal” minded folks who value a false tolerance over authentic love and charity.
I wanted to repost the answer from Fr. Serpa here at CA about these topics. He says it much better than I ever could say it:

If the couple were a man and a woman who were open about the fact that they were not married, it would be a matter of scandal for the parish to approve such behavior by not challenging it. To give scandal is much more than simply shocking behavior as the dictionary defines it. According to St. Thomas (II-II, Q. liii, a. 1) scandal is a word or action evil in itself, which occasions another’s spiritual ruin.

For the administration of a parish to allow such an open show of defiance of the Church’s moral teaching regarding sexual behavior is not only irresponsible, it is a scandal in itself! Our Lord had some very strong words about one who would scandalize His little ones: “…it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt 18:6)

As to the attitude that this is the society we live in so we might as well get used to it: what about our Lord’s command that we are to be salt for the earth! He said that if salt looses its ability to be different from that to which it is applied, it is good for nothing and ought to be trampled under foot. We have the world’s only Good News. What a tragedy to water it down!
It is called desensitization. It is promoted by the deviant community and given cover by those “liberal” minded folks who value a false tolerance over authentic love and charity.
And the persecution of devout Christians has only just begun.
And the persecution of devout Christians has only just begun.
How are we being persecuted? Is the Know-Nothing Party resurgent in Buffalo? Are priests tarred and feathered in Ithaca? Do the streets of Elmira run ankle-deep in the blood of the Faithful? Perhaps so, but the mainstream media has neglected to report it.

All I see is that people are (gasp!) disagreeing with us! The horror!

The martyrs who were decapitated or burned alive for our faith would laugh their heads off at the notion that we are being persecuted.

At least the non-decapitated ones would…
Is it really such a strange notion? Standards for a private school? Shocking. Why would parents want to send their children to a school that will teach them that their parents are living in a way that contradicts Christ’s will?

Why is is acceptable to expose all the other children to lifestyle choices that are immoral? Do the parents of all the other children at the school have no “rights”? Are they to be placed at the mercy of those who choose to rebel?
Is our Church a museum for saints or a hospital for sinners?
I wanted to repost the answer from Fr. Serpa here at CA about these topics. He says it much better than I ever could say it:

If the couple were a man and a woman who were open about the fact that they were not married, it would be a matter of scandal for the parish to approve such behavior by not challenging it. To give scandal is much more than simply shocking behavior as the dictionary defines it. According to St. Thomas (II-II, Q. liii, a. 1) scandal is a word or action evil in itself, which occasions another’s spiritual ruin.

For the administration of a parish to allow such an open show of defiance of the Church’s moral teaching regarding sexual behavior is not only irresponsible, it is a scandal in itself! Our Lord had some very strong words about one who would scandalize His little ones: “…it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt 18:6)

As to the attitude that this is the society we live in so we might as well get used to it: what about our Lord’s command that we are to be salt for the earth! He said that if salt looses its ability to be different from that to which it is applied, it is good for nothing and ought to be trampled under foot. We have the world’s only Good News. What a tragedy to water it down!
Exactly and if people truly believe what Jesus teaches us, then we would not back down on this issue. I don’t think that people really have internalized the idea of obedience to God, loving God so much that we don’t want to offend him and the real and scary existence of hell. If we seriously internalized this, our actions would be so very different.
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