I understand what you’re saying about how you’re raising your children. I have raised mine the same way - public schools, extended visits with relatives who don’t think like us and are non-Catholic, allow them to make friends with all sorts of people, religious or not. Love and Charity are the key…as are the opportunities to properly instruct them on the ways of Christ.
My kids are 15 and 17, well-balanced, faithful Catholics and they thank us frequently for not sheltering them. They have more confidence in being able to face life issues when they are on their own this way because they know right from wrong, and they understand that many people don’t have a clue - and that makes it their responsibility to help enlighten them - MOSTLY through their actions, not their words - and compassion is at the top of that list. They know the distinction between sin and sinner and how to handle each.
However, my bottom line has always been with them that the Vatican has the final say on matters of confusion. Our culture is so far removed from Rome that when the Pope speaks - personally or through his bishops - some times our family step back in surprise because it seems so out of step with our understanding up to that point.
Stem cell research and the Schiavo case was a good example. It would have been easier for hubby and me to allow my children to continue their resistance to the idea that both were not allowed by the Church but I sought out the teachings, printed them, studied them and shared them with them so they at least understand WHY the Church takes the position it does and they at least RESPECT the Church for holding Her ground on the matter. The challenge now becomes ours - to come to embrace that teaching fully for ourselves.
We have homosexual friends and relatives in our larger social circle. We don’t visit with them frequently at all - mostly due to geographical reasons - but they are part of the circle so the topic of how to be charitable and compassionate without compromising the Church or our faith has been around for many years with us.
Be careful not to dismiss what Fix and the other passionate believers here are saying - just because the tone they use and the choice of words is not easy on the eyes or mind. Yes, their expression of their passion is frightening - I agree, and feel the same way about several posters here, but most of them are still speaking the Truth, so try to get past the approach and go to the core of their arguments.
If you read the Vatican documents on the subject of scandal and same sex marriage, etc. you will see that they are right and you should take some time to come to terms with that - and find a better, more compassionate way to impart that Truth to your children.
This is coming from a CA raised cradle Catholic who, until I spent time at this board, was pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, and pro-removing the tube from Terry. I didn’t like the way many people presented their views here, but they cited very good links to Catholic teaching which helped me to change my position - not just for MY soul, but I do it more for the souls of my children. I do not want to be responsible for them falling into the trap of becoming a cafeteria catholic. Hubby and I were raised as cafeteria catholics but for the sake of my children I am willing to change. Hubby’s having a harder time, but for the sake of the children he does not go against what I teach them in front of them. He reserves his debates for when they are out of the house or we are alone.