The term "Herd immunity" only refers to those who live. Please stop using it?

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its worth what exactly? be specific.
Possible adverse reactions in a limited number of people.

I suspect that you know I meant that but want me to state it so you can attack that position. Go right ahead.
I just cant relate to the casual way Ive heard pediatricians say to Moms " the danger is worth the risk". This is a catholic website, I beleive all lives are equally valuable. I am also a registered nurse and dont believe a drug should be given to all children when they surely know some wont be able to tolerate it. I can think of no other drugs in the usa given at such risk to anyone except as a last attempt at a situation of life or death, never given to a perfectly healthy child .
i dont agree with your assumption about how children were regarded as wierd kids but you think they were just undiagnosed autism children. What is the documentation on that theory?
The more important question is where is the documentation on the theory that autism is caused by vaccines? That is the real question. I’ll answer it for you right now: There isn’t any. What there is is mountains of studies that disprove that theory.
i dont see you are not questioning the increase of allergys and asthma as more and more vaccines have been administered over the years . I know of no other drug given to a healthy child in the usa that is known to possibly have a serious side effect but said to be worth the risk except for vaccines, do you?
i dont see you are not questioning the increase of allergys and asthma as more and more vaccines have been administered over the years .
There are many things that have changed over the years, including diagnosis. There is no reason to think vaccines responsible for this apparent rise.
It depends on what vaccine it is; some vaccines uses live viruses (active but weakened). The risk of a vaccinated child spreading the disease is so small that it can generally be overlooked, though.
During the time period when autism diagnosis became so much more common, a lot of other things changed too. For example, home electronics became common, more artificial hormones is spread in nature, IVF treatments is widespread, etc etc. How and why did you decide that vaccines are the cause of autism and not any of the above?

(Just to be clear, I absolutely do not believe or claim that any of those things cause autism)
i know all through the 1960s with 50 kids in a class in my new jersey catholic school we ate lunch in class every week our lunch bags always smelling on no meat fridays of peanut butter sandwiches or tuna fish and no allergies. Cant even bring peanuts into a school its so bad today.
i dont see you are not questioning the increase of allergys and asthma as more and more vaccines have been administered over the years
The anti-vaxxers depend on the rest of us vaccinating our kids to keep up the herd immunity so their precious little ones are safe from deadly childhood diseases. I find that distasteful.

As for the increases in allergy and asthma and peanut butter allergies, etc - there are theories that the phalates in plastics and estrogen precursors in water in the modern world are to blame. Add to that the hyper-vigilant cleaning in the modern kitchen and house in general and immune systems aren’t getting fully developed.

Peanut Butter allergies are the same - parents are hyper-vigilant to keep peanuts away from their kids, and in doing that the kids can’t tolerate them when they are introduced either on purpose or accidentally.
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i used to take it for granted that maybe those kind of reasons you give were causing changes until i learned other things that were going on behind the scenes when I became an RN and had to research things the average person doesnt research. I get the hype out there, the fear of everyone dying of sexually transmitted disease like hpv or hepatis B or what, chicken pox? in an ideal world it would be wonderful to have miracle shots that would stave everyone off of ever getting sick but there are real risks to vaccines, and perhaps too you can research yourself the history of the polio epidemic and who got it and how come one child in a home got it and no one else did if it was so contagious? Please, do your research, Research HIV too and how they dont have a vaccine for it yet.
Please, do your research, Research HIV too and how they dont have a vaccine for it yet.
You assume that people that have science-based views that are contrary to yours haven’t done any research. That is a wrong assumption to make, especially when you hold a minority view.
Ive learned to be skeptical and I know how to discern fact from fiction. I understand that many people want to beleive that no one would tell them to do anything that could harm their child but I found out myself one day that the moment the pediatrician saw that one of my own infants had pre seizure symptoms after her very first DTap vaccine, the pediatrician stopped giving her any pertussis and later did not give her sister any pertussis. She also at that time told me the vaccine pertussis was in process of being replaced. ( search yourself why) and many years later i had both daughters get an updated pertussis when they were finishing grammar school. Research the history of pertussis vaccines and how many problems they have with it and also the history of polio and while youre at it look up the present day crisis of Acute Flaccid Myelitis that is happening around the usa and no one knows what it causing it…
do you think you know how many people are skeptical about vaccines today? who told you?
do you think you know how many people are skeptical about vaccines today? who told you?
The proper response should be, “This is how many people hold the same position as me”. But you did not do that. I’ll do it for you.

This is from 2015:

Polling has suggested as many as three in 10 Americans think that vaccines should not generally be mandatory. And while that’s a key political question, it doesn’t really get at the heart of the matter: just how many Americans are so-called “anti-vaxxers,” i.e. think vaccines are actually harmful.

The answer, at least when it comes to the measles vaccine, is 9 percent, according to a new poll.

The survey from the Pew Research Center shows 83 percent of Americans think the measles vaccine is safe, while 9 percent think it’s not. Another 7 percent are not sure.
the real answer is that like the silent majority who elected Trump, people who dont have their children vaccinated today are silent, and what they say to the pediatricians is " I want to delay", and the parents dont want to get into arguments or debates . They just control what is done to their children.
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Reasonable concern for one’s children is fine, but a pathological distrust of all vaccines is quite another thing. And that is exactly what fake news websites like NaturalNews are doing to raise the fear level.

It is strange because the very same people who inflate the risk to their children due to the vaccines are often the same people who say that the fear of covid-19 is overblown, even though 140,000 people have died of it in 5 months. How many children have died of vaccinations in that time? Any at all?
the real answer is that like the silent majority who elected Trump, people who dont have their children vaccinated today are silent, and what they say to the pediatricians is " I want to delay", and the parents dont want to get into arguments or debates
I don’t find people who support Trump to be all that silent. It’s a good thought, but I don’t see it.

Claiming that there is a silent group of people who support your position is not novel, and not convincing.

Let’s just say you are against vaccinations and leave it at that.
Im against any harmful risk to a healthy baby given drugs that are created with the stipulation that the drug company can not and will not be sued and whose parents will have to fight their way through the court system to get government money put aside for vaccine injured children since 1986.
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