Have you ever been to Mexico? I mean really been, Laredo and Tijuana dont count, I am talking past the borders of nice mexican restaraunts and shops. I have. I have lived down there, the poverty level is insane. I worked in an orphanage down there, a state run, federally funded orphanage. first of all dog pounds in the US are more humane and clean than this place. Second, over 3/4ths of those kids parents were alive, but too poor to feed them, so the kids live in the shelter and their parents come visit when they can. but they are safer there than on the back alley of some barrio selling themselves for food. I saw five year olds selling lighters, bracelets, gum, anything they can just to afford food. They have no chance down there, we dont even KNOW poverty compared to what it is in Mexico and other parts of the world. The deserve a chance at a life. a life that sadly, Mexico can’t provide.

I like it, I like it. They should have jobs down there, as they have most of our major industries. Actually, I would be very surprised if the bill is passed and enforced. I don’t think the politicians have the will power, and are more worried about the upcoming elections. Politics in general are in a really sad state in this country. I may not vote at all for the first time in about 40 years. Unless there are some good, pro-life people on the ticket.