Thousands protest immigration proposal

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No its not… you’re just playing the race card because you know its wrong to break the law the way these illegal aliens have been doing. It also seems ot me that the ones to play the race card… are the ones themselves racist.

Build the wall. 👍
Here, here!
The reason the Coyote’s are doing that is because people are desperate to get over here, because Mexico is SO BAD!
I don’t think the US government “urged” people to be crammed, 100 at a time into the backs of trucks and smuggled across the border, many dying along the way.

We do need to do something for those who are here illegally now thats reasonable. Those who want to stay here legally should be allowed to begin the process. Those who don’t should be sent to their nation of origin, safely.

From where I sit, anyway.
Yes, and those government officials create a scandal when it is exposed.

What law are you going to resist? So far we have a bill which has been passed by the House. Certain portions of tha bill won’t become law. Specifically, it won’t be a felony to provide charitable services. Rep. Tancredo and Sen. Specter were both quoted in an article I posted as working hard to prevent that and Sen. Durbin has already proposed an ammendment to prevent it.

Chances are also high that it won’t be a felony to be in the US without documentation. This would make all 11-12 Million illegal aliens instant felons. It is ridiculous, impractical and possibly unconstitutional.

What does that leave? A felony for people engaged in smuggling, hiring, etc. illegal aliens. I hope you are not going to break that law.
I didn’t say that. I said they pledge to resist the law and so do I. As for employing illegal immigrants, there are govt. officials with illegal immigrant nannies.

racist? no. rude? yes. Illegal immigrants would be nicer, and more correct.
So we are to have feel good terminology in laws going back over two hundred years?

While we’re at it, maybe we should change the Constitution to read “All persons are created equal” instead of the rude and chauvanistic wording of “All men are created equal?”
No, I am playing the “race card” because the law is prejudiced. It seems to me that people who use the term “race card” are indeed the racists.

If Jesus were standing right next to you, would you then say “HEY! send Paco packing! we dont have enough to share!” which is in essence what you are saying.
No its not… you’re just playing the race card because you know its wrong to break the law the way these illegal aliens have been doing. It also seems ot me that the ones to play the race card… are the ones themselves racist.

Build the wall. 👍
No, it is racist to hold them to different laws than were created in past generations when the majority of immigrants were white.

Another logical fallacy, bordering on being racist, from where I sit. The immigration laws we have now were not created to only let white people into the country legally.
The reason the Coyote’s are doing that is because people are desperate to get over here, because Mexico is SO BAD!
Maybe instead of coming here they should do something about the corrupt government down there.
No, I am playing the “race card” because the law is prejudiced. It seems to me that people who use the term “race card” are indeed the racists.

If Jesus were standing right next to you, would you then say “HEY! send Paco packing! we dont have enough to share!” which is in essence what you are saying.
No one is saying that! Have you and these other protesters even read the proposed law??
no, men is a term dating back to biblical times to refer to mankind, and if the terminology is good enough for God then its good enough for me. Is the term “aliens” in the Bible? Aliens make me think of little green martians, not hard workers who want to provide for their families. “Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth.”
So we are to have feel good terminology in laws going back over two hundred years?

While we’re at it, maybe we should change the Constitution to read “All persons are created equal” instead of the rude and chauvanistic wording of “All men are created equal?”
Thats the MEXICAN GOVERMENTS problem… not ours.
Have you ever been to Mexico? I mean really been, Laredo and Tijuana dont count, I am talking past the borders of nice mexican restaraunts and shops. I have. I have lived down there, the poverty level is insane. I worked in an orphanage down there, a state run, federally funded orphanage. first of all dog pounds in the US are more humane and clean than this place. Second, over 3/4ths of those kids parents were alive, but too poor to feed them, so the kids live in the shelter and their parents come visit when they can. but they are safer there than on the back alley of some barrio selling themselves for food. I saw five year olds selling lighters, bracelets, gum, anything they can just to afford food. They have no chance down there, we dont even KNOW poverty compared to what it is in Mexico and other parts of the world. The deserve a chance at a life. a life that sadly, Mexico can’t provide.
More moral realitivism. No one is being forced into breaking the law to feed their children. This kind of argument is used by pro-abortion groups when they claim, “if the mother is poor and afraid she can’t feed the child she should be able to abort the child.”
Well, I could see how you would need to believe that to support these policies. Let me tell share a real story with you. I have an extended family member in Haiti who is so hungry that he has developed a type of hernia in his lower abdomen. His stomach has swelled up and no one in our family has the thousands it would take to operate on him. His illness is directly related to malnutrition. And He will probably die. He feeds his children by stealing (from what we can tell), and there’s no telling what will happen to them once that source of income is gone. His application WILL NOT EVEN BE CONSIDERED because he does not have an immedate family member in the U.S. and does have a hot job offer nor the prospect of a hot job. His sister applied for immigrant repeatedly for over ten years and was repeatedly rejected until she married an American residents.

These are real stories of real people. If you don’t believe that people die of starvation in Haiti, then just do half an hour of research. Or better yet, one of these days, take a trip and see it for yourself. I don’t have to make up stories or provide excuses. There is enough evidence to support this claim that is freely available to people.

Do you really think people would risk their lives in the Atlantic if they could just wait for a few months for an approval from immigration? No sane human being would choose the fear of arrest and deportation over waiting for a few months, particular if their lives where not already at stake.

no, men is a term dating back to biblical times to refer to mankind, and if the terminology is good enough for God then its good enough for me. Is the term “aliens” in the Bible? Aliens make me think of little green martians, not hard workers who want to provide for their families. “Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Main Entry: 1alien [](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/’))
Pronunciation: 'A-lE-&n, 'Al-y&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin *alienus, *from alius
1 a : belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing : STRANGE b : relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government : FOREIGN
: differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility

If the Bishops are ‘pledging’ to resist this law… then they are in the wrong… looks like I got some letters to write.
I didn’t say that. I said they pledge to resist the law and so do I. As for employing illegal immigrants, there are govt. officials with illegal immigrant nannies.

Maybe instead of coming here they should do something about the corrupt government down there.
There are plenty of people doing that. The Mexican economy has actually improved greatly in the past ten years.

Ok you can honestly read that definition and still think it is ok to call another human being an alien? :ehh: refering to #2.
Main Entry: 1alien
Pronunciation: 'A-lE-&n, 'Al-y&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin *alienus, *from alius
1 a : belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing : STRANGE b : relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government : FOREIGN
: differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility

BTW…I mentioned in an earlier post that immigration is bad for both countries. Here is an article regarding the effect to Mexico of immigration to the US:
Avila is a part of the immigration debate that neither Mexican political leaders nor cheap-labor advocates in the United States like to talk about: Heavy migration has all but emptied much of the Mexican countryside.
Money sent back to Mexico from those working in the United States reached a record high last year, $20 billion, making remittances from migrants Mexico’s second-largest source of income, surpassed only by oil exports.
But the export of human labor has been devastating here. It’s left the land dotted with near-ghost towns inhabited by the very old and the very young, their lives dependent on whatever money their relatives send home.
You’re using the race card… so I’m not the racist… nice try on the spin.

And no… .thats NOT what i’m saying… no problem sharing… with LEGAL residents.
No, I am playing the “race card” because the law is prejudiced. It seems to me that people who use the term “race card” are indeed the racists.

If Jesus were standing right next to you, would you then say “HEY! send Paco packing! we dont have enough to share!” which is in essence what you are saying.
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