I will say one last thing, which I am increasingly disappointed by the moral priorities of many of the forum participants. When I was thinking about reverting, I encountered some really wonderful people on the apologetics section so I thought this was would be a great place to talk some committed catholics, but I have really changed my mind.
There is no easy way to say but I find that there is constantly righteous indignant over minor liturgical infractions, or down right silly stuff, like should men where their hair short. Or just plain crazy stuff, like let’s burn the heretics. But very little interest in issues of charity and social justice, which seem to me like an important component of our faith.
I honestly don’t understand a version of Christianity that cares more about whether women are getting their foot washed on Holy Thursday than whether Mexican families can feed their children. And when I speak about the very real stories of life in Haiti, I either get dismissed or told that my arguments are just anecdotal. This strikes me as very different than gospel high call to minister to the poor. I often don’t feel like we practice the same religion. Frankly, I don’t recognize your Jesus.
Perhaps, my arguments are indeed lousy (darn, all those years of competitive debate

). But I really think that many of you constantly run back and forth to every line in the CCC, but have forgotten the spirit of the law. Do justice and seek mercy. And more importantly, love your neighbor. Imagine if you were the mother of those Mexican children. How would you wanted to be treated? Imagine you were the malnutrition Haitian child. What would you want from your wealthy neighbor?
I come from an almost all immigrant community. I have yet to meet the immigrant who thinks the smuggler is the bad guy here. Maybe, you should listening to our testimonies.
You may now jump all over me for being uncharitable.