Thousands protest immigration proposal

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I will help them in anyway I can, I will NEVER turn a human being over to be deported forget about, because I would be ashamed to look my maker in the eyes at the time of my judgement if I did that. I have had students that I knew were illegal, you honestly think I would have turned them over? not enough money on earth could make me do that.
I guess St Paul was mistaken when he talked about obeying civil law as he wrote about in Romans 13. eh?
I will help them in anyway I can, I will NEVER turn a human being over to be deported forget about, because I would be ashamed to look my maker in the eyes at the time of my judgement if I did that. I have had students that I knew were illegal, you honestly think I would have turned them over? not enough money on earth could make me do that.
Just answer the questions and keep off the rants.
I would learn French to get around, of my own accord. But it isnt easy and can take years to learn. Did you know that English is the most difficult and complex language there is to learn?
2nd hardest behind Portugeuse.
Thats why there are ESL teachers, so we can teach them to function and communicate in an English speaking country, but it shouldnt be a requirement. Kids used to get paddled for speaking spanish in schools in Texas and Georgia. Im sure other states, but those are the only two I have experianced it with.
Key words there. If I move to Germany, I need to learn German so I can work and live because it is a German speaking country. I should be required to learn the language of the country I’m going to live in. If not, then I need to pick a country who’s native tongue is the same as mine.
and as far as the college tuition. I am in college now, I have watched the tuition go up and the hispanic population go up. the hispanic population is the reason I will have a job, as I want to be an ESL teacher. their culture has done nothing but enrich my life and the beautiful melting pot that is Texas. and as far as tuition goes, it has very little to do with Mexicans. it has a lot more to do with available funding. So what are you saying? Mexicans shouldnt be allowed to go to college?
If they are illegal, they shouldn’t get the same benefits as an instate student.
I am not white either my friend, I am native american, should I be allowed a college education? I can receive funding because I am native american, should they take that away from me because I am not white?
Watch what you say, my wife is part Cherokee. And no, you shouldn’t have your funding taken away because you are a US Citizen. You really need to quit pulling the race card, it makes your arguements very weak.
Jesus said to obey the law. The only reason the Mexicans are in our country illegally is because they know they can get away with it. It has nothing to do with Jesus.
What about unjust laws? If we are to obey all laws that would mean that all Germans should have worked hand in glove with the Nazi government. Had you been there, would you have turned in all the Jews you came across? Some laws are wrong. For example, abortion is legal in this country. Is that a good law? Should we all support it? Sometimes you have to chose between the laws of man and the laws of God.
I disagree with the fence because its treating these people like animals and caging them in. I disagree with the law because you cant just cut it up, my government professor called it coat tailing, when one law is tied into another, you cant pass just parts of a law, thats not how it works, the whole thing has to be re written. I disagree with deportation because it will rip families apart. If you know anything about hispanic culture then you know what family is to them. Its everything. the entire family often lives in one city, one neighborhood, sometimes even one house. To rip them apart would rip lives apart. And what about people who had babies over here, what happens to these kids and their parents, what about the ones who own property here and have paid their property taxes, should they lose all they have worked for? its a bad idea overall in my opinion. I meant to say the possibility of deportation since, as far as I can tell, and please correct me if I am wrong, there hasnt been any definate decision on what will happen to the illegals that are already here. Terrorism for me is a scape goat issue that Bush uses and abuses, sorry thats just my opinion. and if the issue is drug cartelling and terrorism, then build a fence around the entire continental US and we just wont let anybody in. after all they might have drugs on them or be terrorists. and I think I read somewhere (its been a while) that one of the 9-11 terrorists got here through Canada… Drugs are made in other countries too, like I said, why not just shut ourselves in if thats the direction we are heading.
OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Why is it you disagree with the fence and *possible *deportation? (So much easier to have a civil debate when you actually say what you don’t like).

BTW, interesting you say “possible deportation,” because up until that post your contention was they were just going to round everyone up and deport them.

Terrorism was one of many reasons.

You’re putting words into my mouth: I never said drugs or terrorists hadn’t come in from Canada. But you don’t have tens of billions of dollars worth of cocaine and heroine coming across the Canadian border, mainly because it’s harder to get it into Canada then the US when you can ship it up straight up from South America, Central America, and/or Mexico where it’s grown. And we are grabbing a lot of people from the border that aren’t Hispanic; I’ve got friends on the border patrol and its amazing what they see.
I speak Portuguese, it wasnt that hard. Trust me, I have taken several language classes and every instructor I have ever had, ever linguist I have ever spoken too, every professional in the field of language has said that English is the hardest language to learn. and please dont tell me what to do, you are not my husband nor my father.
Just answer the questions and keep off the rants.

2nd hardest behind Portugeuse.

Key words there. If I move to Germany, I need to learn German so I can work and live because it is a German speaking country. I should be required to learn the language of the country I’m going to live in. If not, then I need to pick a country who’s native tongue is the same as mine.
not true. Thats just my opinion though.
What about unjust laws? If we are to obey all laws that would mean that all Germans should have worked hand in glove with the Nazi government. Had you been there, would you have turned in all the Jews you came across? Some laws are wrong. For example, abortion is legal in this country. Is that a good law? Should we all support it? Sometimes you have to chose between the laws of man and the laws of God.
Oh brother… :rolleyes:

They’re breaking the law… and bleeding us dry. Kick’m out unitl they decide to come over legal… if the are repeat offenders… lock’m up.
Excuse me, but from which bible did you get the notion that ought only to love those who share you nationality?

Excuse me? did I go after you personally? no i did not and I would appreciate the same courtsey.
Tar seems to be pretty good at that… good at calling ppl somehting they’re not too.
Because evidently they think its easier to illegally come over here and steal our services. Too bad really. I agree with ya tho… those governments need to help thier ppl… not tell them or encourage them to break our laws.
Why don’t the leaders of the counties such as Mexico and El Salvador provide decent jobs for their people? Why don’t the immigrants stay in their country of origin and build it up? Why doesn’t this country stop using cheap labor as a substitute for fair wages?

The idea that there are jobs in this country that Americans won’t do because they are too hard or too dangerous is an absolute LIE. Look at hard and dangerous coal mining, hard and dangerous logging, and unpleasant municipal sewer work. Americans take those jobs. Why? Because those jobs pay a decent wage. The ONLY reason foreign labor is needed in certain jobs is because the low wages are unacceptable to Americans. Employers and consumers need to get off the “crack cocaine” of cheap immigrant labor. Clean up and pay decent wages and prices. :tsktsk:
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Yea you did… you called me an isolationist and a racist.

Altho… I’ll admit… being a isolationist is looking pretty good right now.
Excuse me? did I go after you personally? no i did not and I would appreciate the same courtsey.
:clapping: Hear hear!!!

My wife is Lakota Souix.

And I agree wholeheartily with your post.
If they are illegal, they shouldn’t get the same benefits as an instate student.

Watch what you say, my wife is part Cherokee. And no, you shouldn’t have your funding taken away because you are a US Citizen. You really need to quit pulling the race card, it makes your arguements very weak.
I will help them in anyway I can, I will NEVER turn a human being over to be deported forget about, because I would be ashamed to look my maker in the eyes at the time of my judgement if I did that. I have had students that I knew were illegal, you honestly think I would have turned them over? not enough money on earth could make me do that.

I would learn French to get around, of my own accord. But it isnt easy and can take years to learn. Did you know that English is the most difficult and complex language there is to learn? Thats why there are ESL teachers, so we can teach them to function and communicate in an English speaking country, but it shouldnt be a requirement. Kids used to get paddled for speaking spanish in schools in Texas and Georgia. Im sure other states, but those are the only two I have experianced it with.
It shouldn’t be a requirement to learn English? Sorry, but it should be. I’m not saying they have to stop speaking Spanish, but if they want to work here (assuming they come here legally), they should at least try to learn the language of their new country. Why should citizens have to accomodate those who won’t learn the language of this country? I wouldn’t expect the French to start speaking English if I moved there.
I dont recall saying Jeffrey you are a racist, and I do believe I asked you if you were an isolationist. touchy touchy.
Yea you did… you called me an isolationist and a racist.

Altho… I’ll admit… being a isolationist is looking pretty good right now.
Post #335 in response to Post#298… now its entirely possible I read too much into it?
I dont recall saying Jeffrey you are a racist, and I do believe I asked you if you were an isolationist. touchy touchy.
It shouldn’t be a requirement to learn English? Sorry, but it should be. I’m not saying they have to stop speaking Spanish, but if they want to work here (assuming they come here legally), they should at least try to learn the language of their new country. Why should citizens have to accomodate those who won’t learn the language of this country? I wouldn’t expect the French to start speaking English if I moved there.
pas en France… on doit parler français correct 😉
Obviously some of them came here to live that American dream. They don’t have that right do they?

Lemme guess, do it the legal way? I grew up in a very diverse neighborhood. I’ve seen the troubles that honest illegal immigrants go through to even APPLY for citizenship. I’ve seen the financial burden that arises when they try and apply as well. So I don’t see how some dirt poor person in Mexico or whatever country can accumulate the money to even try and get here.
Yes. Just like my ancestors and millions of other peoples ancestors came here. My Great-Grandparents came over here from Southern Italy in 1901. They were living in poverty there and scraped money together to cross the ocean in the Steerage section of the ship. That would be the worst “accommodations” in case you don’t know. My Great-Grandmother was pregnant with my Grandfather at that time. They arrived several weeks later in New York City with $3.00 in their pocket. They came here LEGALLY. They joined other relatives, who also came here LEGALLY, in a crowded, tiny Tenement House in the city .
They worked their way out of the Tenement Housing and over to Brooklyn where after years of hard, back breaking work,digging ditches, building roads, subways, bridges, my Great-Grandmother waiting tables part-time in an Italian Restaurant, while raising 9 boys, they were able to buy their American Dream, a home of their own. They came here LEGALLY.
Yes. Just like my ancestors and millions of other peoples ancestors came here. My Great-Grandparents came over here from Southern Italy in 1901. They were living in poverty there and scraped money together to cross the ocean in the Steerage section of the ship. That would be the worst “accommodations” in case you don’t know. My Great-Grandmother was pregnant with my Grandfather at that time. They arrived several weeks later in New York with $3.00 in their pocket. They came here LEGALLY. They joined other relatives, who also came here LEGALLY, in a crowded, tiny Tenement House in the city .
They worked their way out of the Tenement Housing and over to Brooklyn where after years of hard, back breaking work,digging ditches, building roads, subways, bridges, they were able to buy their American Dream, a home of their own. They came here LEGALLY.
In 1901, the laws were much different than they are today. Back then, it was a matter of arriving at a processing center, being inspected, registered, and, if necessary quarantined for a time, then you were in. Today, there is a much more complicated and time consuming system that can take up to 20 years before you’re allowed to even think about coming in the the US.
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