Timeless God can perform one act since the second act involves temporarily.
Such is again…thinking of God as if God were a creature in time.
You will continue to say this statement and other like things until you cease this line of thinking…
Your not thinking of God as God. Your thinking of God as if God were a continent limited creature…
You need to cease that line of thinking.
Otherwise your not really seeking to understand and will not approach understanding.
If someone wishes to learn to drive a car one has to accept that his bicycle is not a car and start looking into cars. If he keeps trying to think of his car as if it was a bicycle he is going to drive himself crazy trying to find the peddles.
If that person comes to one and insists - “but show me how I make the peddles go round and round…”
One has to get them to see that it is not like a bicycle.
If they keep coming back to “but the peddles do not go round and round” …
One has to tell them - no it is not a bicycle it is a car. You are thinking as if it were a bicycle.
If they then keep saying:
“how do I make the peddles go round and round?”
“the car cannot possibly move because the peddles do not go round and round”
One cannot show them that how they go round and round - for they do not.
One has to repeat - “your thinking as if it is a bicycle -you need to cease that line of thinking”…“the peddles do not go round and round”…
and that
“the car cannot possibly move because the peddles do not go round and round”
For until they see that they are approaching a car as if it was a bicycle - they will not quite understand how their approach is off and why they have not been able to understand this aspect of a car.