Yep. The PA Republican House here threw a monkey wrench into the works: they weren’t allowed to touch the mail-in ballots until the polls closed that evening. And we see the result!Everything went smooth in Florida with results in on election night, meanwhile in MI and Pa it is quite a different story.
Those silly Republicans! Clearly they were trying to throw the election for Biden!!!

Clemson should have sued to stop the game while they were still ahead, and made lots of noise that they’d won in the 3rd quarter…!Odilon:![]()
Well by that logic… seems something was up last week in college football because when my husband came to bed Clemson was ahead and when we woke up lo and behold Notre Dame won.Trump has 700K lead on election night and then he loses -yeah right.
No. On the other hand, maybe Republicans vote “straight party ticket” moreso than Democrats do. That would explain it, you realize…Funny how Republicans are winning everywhere - what is it now like 12 seats they picked up in the House? But then you want me to believe that the same voters voted for Democrat Biden?
I agree! Oh… wait… you’re not talking about Trump?Then you made a grave mistake in helping to place a mentally deficient old man in such an office.
Umm…and that has nothing to do with the fact that Trump just happened to win those states? So… only states that vote for Biden are rife with fraud? Puh-leeze.Nothing to raise suspicions in Ohio, or Iowa, or Florida or Texas.
And, the ruling came down that they couldn’t count the votes that came in past the already-set deadline (three days past the election, right)? So… those votes will be set aside. And guess what? That’s only about 10K ballots, IIRC. Biden still wins PA.What they cannot do is violate the Federal Constitution as they do it, and in this case ¶ they did.
Right. The master schemers really wanted gridlock between the WH and Congress. Brilliant!The Dems didn’t really care about the Congressional races

Apparently not. From the article you cited:Which was initially reported as a water main break that turned out, according to FOIA requested documents, to be a small leak in pipe in a room away from the election counting area.
Nothing to raise eyebrows over?
Thanks for helping us put those fears to rest!There is no suggestion that the confusion around the pipe bursting story is linked to any claims of widespread voter fraud or other conspiracy theories.
…right after they call him “senile”. So… which is it? Evil genius or aged dementia sufferer?Trump supporters sincerely, truly believe that somehow Biden managed to rig the entire American democratic process in his favour