Trump Massive Rally in Washington DC (Nov. 14th) (Tens of Thousands Gather)

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I believe areas in California allow non-citizens to vote, although it isn’t clear to me whether that includes federally.
Eligibility for federal voting doesn’t fall under state’s rights, California can’t, nor can any other state, allow non-citizens to vote in federal elections. CA lets them vote on local elections and ordinances like school boards and such.
I believe areas in California allow non-citizens to vote, although it isn’t clear to me whether that includes federally.
Eligibility for federal voting doesn’t fall under state’s rights, California can’t, nor can any other state, allow non-citizens to vote in federal elections. CA lets them vote on local elections and ordinances like school boards and such.
Yes, I understand what the law states but then there is the proclivity of those in power to not follow the law, precisely. What the law states and what people do do not always align completely.

If non-citizens are registered to vote and voter rolls are left in a mess, and there is little oversight on the completion of ballots, and electoral authorities are prone to look away during elections what the law says and what occurs might not be so consistent with each other.

That is what audits would show, but you people aren’t interested in audits.
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CA lets them vote on local elections and ordinances like school boards and such.
Let’s get this correct, it’s Democrats in California who let non-citizens vote.
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That’s her campaign page from when she was running for Governor. Note the “Stacey Abrams for Governor” and “Stacey Abrams is running for governor” bits. She does not presently claim to be the governor of Georgia.
Her words
“My larger point is, look, I won because we transformed the electorate, we turned out people who had never voted, we outmatched every Democrat in Georgia history. But voter suppression is endemic, and it’s having a corrosive effect. If we do not resolve this problem, it will harm us all.”

“There are three things:

No. 1, I legally acknowledge that Brian Kemp secured a sufficient number of votes under our existing system to become the governor of Georgia. I do not concede that the process was proper, nor do I condone that process.

No. 2, I believe we won in that we transformed the electorate and achieved a dramatic increase in turnout. It was a systemic and, I think, sustainable change in the composition of the electorate and in the transformation of the narrative about Georgia and Georgia politics.

Three, I have no empirical evidence that I would have achieved a higher number of votes. However, I have sufficient and I think legally sufficient doubt about the process to say that it was not a fair election.”
Okay for Abrams but not for Trump?
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One man’s poison could well be another man’s cure.
Turning this election into a morass of unfounded innuendo and accusation is a cure for whom, again, exactly? 🤔
Whether or not Trump was wrong (or prescient) about the “non-existence” of fraud is yet to be determined
…and yet to be substantiated. Hence, “poisoning the waters”.
One credentialed auditor for every ten tables in Georgia.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1327306454504714247|twgr^&

Meanwhile counters are calling out “Biden” when the ballots say Trump.

Morass is about right.

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You, too, would have to pit your “I would say ‘no,’” against what cover or justification the President may have that you don’t have access to.
Hmm… not seeing it. Here’s what Trump did to attempt to ‘steal the election’:
  • poison the waters for months in advance, in claiming non-existent fraud
  • refuse to assent to the standards of American elections – that is, conceding when one has lost
  • prime the pump by destabilizing the process, far in advance and in an ongoing way
  • claiming “I won” far in advance of anything approaching a sufficient count of votes
  • calling for counting to stop, while only in-person votes had been counted
However, there is no way that you could know that now. Ergo, your guess relative to justification is as good as mine
Except that I’m not calling for Trump and his actions to be ‘audited’, in such as way as to nullify the express will of the people.
my guess is that I have done a bit more research into it than you have. But I freely admit that I might be wrong on that, as well.
You might be. 😉
You might want to view this.

And keep in mind the information coming out about Dominion and Smartmatic.
I’m sorry, but he could have done something. He could have tweeted about actual issues if nothing else. Not the sky is falling the sky is falling vague nonsense, but about actual correctable issues that would allow the various states to make corrections.
poison the waters for months in advance, in claiming non-existent fraud
The Dems and their propagandists in the media have poisoned the waters for the last 4 years.
refuse to assent to the standards of American elections – that is, conceding when one has lost
Until the electors cast their votes, he hasn’t lost anything and Joe Biden is the “President- elect” of nothing. I see, so he can’t use his rights to contest the fraudulent process that has taken place?
prime the pump by destabilizing the process, far in advance and in an ongoing way
Mail in voting destabilized the process and was brought to the nation by the Democrats.
claiming “I won” far in advance of anything approaching a sufficient count of votes
He can claim anything he wants, just as the Dems and their fellow travellers have.
calling for counting to stop, while only in-person votes had been counted
He merely called for the counting (fraud) stop, the Democrat election workers actually did stop the counting in several states - to fix the election for Biden of course!
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No they aren’t. Absentee ballots require a legitimate reason for not being able to vote in person. Mail in ballots require no reason and in many cases do not even require an application.
Exactly. I am a registered voter and have indicated that I want to continue voting “absentee”. In Florida, my signature is confirmed before my ballot is accepted. Thank you Gov. DeSantis for making sure the state wide voting went off without a hitch, even notoriously problem prone Broward county had all their votes in on time this year.
I know in my area when you request an absentee ballot you request it and give your social security , number, signature and you send it to the town clerk’s office to be verified. The town clerk has all the records of births, marriage and deaths. Is is not just willy-nilly.
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Too bad you people don’t keep up with the news. Trump is not joking and he said that the election was rigged a short while ago.
That’s his favourite hit. I don’t think not being persuaded by it indicates one has not “[kept] up with the news.” He was pushing the same story 4 years ago.

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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

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One credentialed auditor for every ten tables in Georgia.
“monitor”, not “auditor”. And, it looks like they’re merely the observers. So, yeah… they’re observing. What’s the problem?
Trump Attorney Sidney Powell joined Mark Levin on Monday to discuss the latest evidence of the ballot fraud in the 2020 presidential election. During their discussion Sidney DROPPED A BOMB! The Trump campaign has a witness who was present for the
So, here’s the thing: she didn’t say that she had a witness to fraud in this election; rather, she says she has a witness to fraud in Latin American elections. Then, she waves her arms and says “the same thing is happening here!” That’s not a witness to fraud here – that’s an unsubstantiated assertion, using smoke and mirrors! (“Hey, it rained cotton candy in Dallas and Houston… and the floors are sticky in Savannah! Clearly, it rained cotton candy there, too!” :roll_eyes:)

If the Dominion machines are corrupt in their software, it should be easy enough to catch: run a known batch of votes through a machine and see what comes out. Heck, even a moderately skilled programmer, with the source code in front of him, should be able to trace the error, no?
It looks like there is testimony to evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
That’s not what she said, though. She said he witnessed fraud in Latin America, and his opinion is that the same thing is happening here. So, he’s not a ‘witness’ here, but merely offering a second-hand opinion.
Clark County Nevada County Commission ballots may have to be thrown out.
Look – I don’t think any reasonable person would say that there are never any errors in the process. However, that’s not the claim you’re making: you’re claiming widespread, intentional, and systematic tampering with results in the Presidential election. This story shows none of those features. Holding it up and saying “see! I’m right!” is a red herring.
You might want to view this.
From the declaration she’s quoting:
there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcomes or vote tabulation in any United States election
This continuance was made in September. Curiously, it happened in the same time frame as the polls that showed Trump to be behind, and in the same time frame that Trump himself was doing what he claimed foreign powers were doing – namely, “to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including… distribution of propaganda and disinformation”.

In other words, Trump was implicitly warning people to beware his own efforts. 🤣
I see, so he can’t use his rights to contest the fraudulent process that has taken place?
He has every right to attempt to prove that the process was fraudulent. He doesn’t have the right to merely assert baldly that it is so, and get the election tossed by force of executive fiat. His lawyers – who, as we’re seeing, are bailing like rats off a sinking ship – are leaving his team, as it becomes more and more evident that his claims are fallacious and malicious.
His lawyers – who, as we’re seeing, are bailing like rats off a sinking ship – are leaving his team, as it becomes more and more evident that his claims are fallacious and malicious.
I suppose you haven’t heard about the campaigns targeting the legal firms, by large fund-raisers like the Lincoln Project, threatening them with loss of income?

Or that higher profile lawyers like DiGenova and Toensing are also joining the cause?

The issue isn’t the futility of the cause but of closeness to the target and that high powered people are being threatened by what is coming out.

There are two competing narratives, each with its trove of “facts” with “We the People” stuck in the middle not being apprised of the full docket of evidence because the media is fully in bed with one side and wants them desperately to win because if they don’t it will be obvious to everyone just how complicit and dishonest the media have been.

We shall see how this plays out.
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We shall see how this plays out.
Is there anything at all that could convince you Trump lost fairly, even if Trump still insists he didn’t?

Will you be convinced when the Supreme Court refuses to hear any of his cases?
We shall see how this plays out.
Is there anything at all that could convince you Trump lost fairly, even if Trump still insists he didn’t?

Will you be convinced when the Supreme Court refuses to hear any of his cases?
When fair and full audits have been done at least in the states still in play and others if the evidence points there.

You have my answer. Now here is a question for you…

Will you be convinced when the Supreme Court does hear the cases or the evidence is so overwhelming that the results in elections in a number of states are overthrown?

Your answer is, “No!” Correct?

Who is being impartial?
I’ve never hunted a day in my life. My wife, on the other hand, sometimes as a child would have to go out with a shotgun to pickup dinner from the local wooded area. She wants me to at least have the capability to hunt. While I’m handy with a bow on stationary targets, I might end up picking up a gun. I seams like a far more efficient killing instrument.

I’ve been told that the life you find on Hawaii below a certain elevation are all invasive species. There are also some species of flowers there that are only extant because humans have taken over for whatever lifeform that pollinated the plants was killed off.
Will you be convinced when the Supreme Court does hear the cases or the evidence is so overwhelming that the results in elections in a number of states are overthrown?
My answer would be “yes.” I follow the evidence, and the rule of law.

None of these cases have presented any meaningful evidence so far (and if Trump had any, it would have come out in court already), so that is why I am so confident the evidence simply doesn’t exist.
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