Trump's stunning abdication of leadership comes as pandemic worsens

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Regarding Cuomo…to this day, I have no idea what he was thinking when he placed recovering Covid patients into nursing homes. Did he genuinely think they were no longer contagious? I also wonder if we will ever get an answer to his reasoning. I don’t believe he actually wanted to kill them even though that was the result. Fortunately, everyone learned that lesson.
I think he asserts he was following CDC guidelines. Did this not happen in another state? I will find a source later. It does sound like that would be passing the buck.
I want to make one comment on this. I applaud this move however, he did not require anyone to quarantine when they entered back into the US. At the time, I felt it was foolish not to do so and just made it look like returning Americans from China couldn’t possibly have carried the virus…only the Chinese.
My understanding is that it’s up to the states to quarantine their own residents.
The same for restricting entry from Europe. Why on earth didn’t we require a quarantine for anyone from Europe where it was ramping up at the time. From my point of view, the lack of quarantine procedures early on…even if we weren’t exactly sure of the methods of transmission…should have been mandated.
In my county, it was required to quarantine up return from overseas. I don’t recall the exact date it was imposed, though it was definitely in effect by March 8.
Regarding Cuomo…to this day, I have no idea what he was thinking when he placed recovering Covid patients into nursing homes. Did he genuinely think they were no longer contagious? I also wonder if we will ever get an answer to his reasoning**. I don’t believe he actually wanted to kill them even though that was the result.** Fortunately, everyone learned that lesson.
Agree. And I believe the bolded should be accorded to Trump as well.
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My understanding is that it’s up to the states to quarantine their own residents.
I certainly think that had Trump emphasized quarantining anyone entering into the states, it would have been done. It may be a states decision but they generally follow presidential recommendations because they assume the recommendations came from the science advisors. But, we’ll never know now. We really don’t know how many lives could have been saved either…perhaps it would have done nothing, perhaps it would have made all the difference in the world! It’s just common medical sense though that even if you aren’t sure of the transmission vector of a new virus, you isolate anyone coming from an infected area…like we did with Ebola.
What specific measures do you think would have been different had the Trump administration ok n used the playbook?

As to the department Trump eliminated, the fact that it turned out to be needed sooner rather than later was unforeseeable, given that we cannot predict when a pandemic will actually show up. Even the article you posted mentioned that the various tasks within the department had been assigned elsewhere, not eliminated entirely.

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And yes, I’m afraid the Democrat party really does promote abortion and now infanticide.
If you will stop confusing abortion with choice, we shall be in a better position to conduct a conversation. Preferably without name calling.

And again… only a few posts and the conversation degenerates into “abortion”.
You were the one who brought up baby killing first, not me.
That he could not predict what would happen when he eliminated Obama’s pandemic measures?
Right, Trump should have been able to predict that a pandemic would occur a year or two later when he reassigned the pandemic department’s to other areas.
Right, Trump should have been able to predict that a pandemic would occur a year or two later when he reassigned the pandemic department’s to other areas.
I’m not sure if you’re trying to apologize for Trumps actions on this or not but the whole point of a pandemic plan is that you have one in place and don’t break it up because a pandemic will never be known before hand…that’s why you have a plan and other than updating it, you don’t break it apart or eliminate features of it. This is kind of epidemics 101. I don’t think Trump was being malicious about it, just that it was something that shouldn’t have been touched other than to periodically review and update it. Unfortunately, Trump thought it was an unnecessary department…until it became very necessary.
Right, Trump should have been able to predict that a pandemic would occur a year or two later when he reassigned the pandemic department’s to other areas.
Predict? No. Stay prepared? Yes.

From 2014-12-12T05:00:00Z
President Obama:
…We have to put in place an infrastructure – not just here at home, but globally – that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly. And it also requires us to continue the same path of basic research that is being done here at NIH that Nancy is a great example of. So that if and when a new strain of flu, like the Spanish flu, crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we’ve made the investment and we’re further along to be able to catch it. It is a smart investment for us to make. It’s not just insurance; it is knowing that down the road we’re going to continue to have problems like this – particularly in a globalized world where you move from one side of the world to the other in a day. So this is important now, but it’s also important for our future and our children’s future and our grandchildren’s future. And the last few elections, the American people have sent Washington a pretty clear message:
My understanding is that it’s up to the states to quarantine their own residents.
I certainly think that had Trump emphasized quarantining anyone entering into the states, it would have been done. It may be a states decision but they generally follow presidential recommendations because they assume the recommendations came from the science advisors. But, we’ll never know now. We really don’t know how many lives could have been saved either…perhaps it would have done nothing, perhaps it would have made all the difference in the world! It’s just common medical sense though that even if you aren’t sure of the transmission vector of a new virus, you isolate anyone coming from an infected area…like we did with Ebola.
I think it’s easy to Monday morning quarterback. The fact is there’s a lot we didn’t know and still don’t. Are we over-reacting? Is the cure worse than the disease? Shutting down an economy is a serious thing to do. I’m going to be retiring in a few years. I want my IRA’s that I save for my entire life to be worth something.
Right, Trump should have been able to predict that a pandemic would occur a year or two later when he reassigned the pandemic department’s to other areas.
Yes. In the military they refer to that as planning for eventualities.
Kill the messenger?
No. Criticizing the dishonest DNC media.
In your view there’s a great big conspiracy out there against Trump and his minions?
It isn’t a conspiracy. It’s out there in the open. They’re honest about that. It’s one of the few things they are honest about.

Sometimes a cigar is a cigar – don’t expect hidden meanings.
Nothing hidden at all. They are open and clear.
Oh gee, a poster who’s less than two weeks old on CAF who has mostly done nothing but grind an anti-Trump agenda here.

Yawn, blocked.
You were the one who brought up baby killing first, not me.
It might be fun to use the “up-arrow” and walk up on the chain of conversation. It all came from the way how anyone is treated, if they do not conform to the ultra-conservative atmosphere of the board. They are called baby-killers, performing holocaust and other terms of endearment. Read them and see how it worked.
. I want my IRA’s that I save for my entire life to be worth something.
I wanted to retire at 59 but the crash of 2008 put an end to that dream. I managed to hold out until I was 64 and had to retire at that point due to my arthritis winning the war on my body. I made up quite a bit of ground but also had to start throwing a lot more money into my funds to make up for a lot of it. At least the crash allowed me to buy low and creep it back up as we recovered!

I still have a large chunk of change in the market and am very sensitive to any prolonged down turn. With no more income, I have little other choice. So, I understand your worries!

For quarantining, that’s not Monday morning quarterbacking. It’s basic epidemiology whether the virus is known or not. Isolation for too short a time would be quarterbacking. Not quarantining at all was a bad decision…period.
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