Unofficial Election Thread

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it is because of contraceptives and the sexual revolution that we have all these issues.
It is because of the Internet that we have all these issues with the spread of misinformation, luring of underaged adolescents and children, and other nasties. Should we ban the Internet?

No because the Internet can also be a very useful tool if used morally.

Contraception is of itself morally neutral. It’s the use humans make of it that can turn sour. I have nothing against a married couple using it to space their children, or even a young unmarried monogamous couple in love.

Let’s not let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

Anyway 'nuff said, we are way off topic now.
It is because of the Internet that we have all these issues with the spread of misinformation, luring of underaged adolescents and children, and other nasties. Should we ban the Internet?
These issues started long before the internet. There has always been sexual sin but it increased extensively in the 60’s with the sexual revolution and has progressed right on down the road.
Contraception is of itself morally neutral.
I disagree.
I have nothing against a married couple using it to space their children, or even a young unmarried monogamous couple in love.
All I can say is that is not what the Church says is right, so I will move along in safety.
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Contraception is of itself morally neutral.
I disagree.
If @OraLabora had called it hormones instead of contraceptives, and they can be called either, then would you still disagree? The church allows BC pills to be used for medically necessary reasons even though contraception also occurs. I think we just have a semantic issue here. I hope you don’t want to deny thousands of women the only treatment for their medical problems, right?
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Perhaps the Church should then become more realistic on the failure of abstinence as a means of preventing illicit pregnancies and review her stance on (non-abortifacient) contraceptives?
That’s what the major Protestant denominations did. Now they have gay marriages and gay bishops and all sorts of other degeneracy. One step away from orthodoxy is a fatal dose of poison.
As for telling a 14 y.o. kid to wait until (s)he marries at 30
Key there seems to be encourage people to get married younger instead of living the myth that starting a family at 30 makes sense.
If @OraLabora had called it hormones instead of contraceptives,
Hormones used for other medical purposes was not the subject.

The subject was contraceptives to be used for birth control.

True, women are at times prescribed hormones for medical reasons but again they must be aware of the side effects and that the hormones can be in particular forms, contraceptive in nature, so in other words this is changing the context of the discussion.

Again, I will stick with Christ and His Church on this one. Safer that way.
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Are you aware that abortion numbers go down when Democrats are in office? I’ve seen numbers indicating that.
The states with the highest abortion rates are mostly Democratic, year after year. What does that do to your theory?
  1. Delaware.
  2. New York.
  3. New Jersey.
  4. Washington D.C.
  5. Maryland.
  6. California.
  7. Florida.
  8. Nevada.
  9. Connecticut.
  10. Rhode Island.

Again, what about US funding for abortion overseas? Trump cut that, International Planned Parenthood through the Mexico City Policy.

Is that okay to do? The Democrats will put that funding back to “reproductive rights” abroad.
Key there seems to be encourage people to get married younger instead of living the myth that starting a family at 30 makes sense.
Not realistic. My wife is a (retired) MD. There is no way she could have raised a family in the midst of her medical studies and setting up her practice. With me, though I didn’t go to med school, between getting my degree, paying off university debt and having steady enough employment to raise a family, I wasn’t all that much younger. We married when we were both 30, as was the case +/- a couple of years, with most of our colleagues.

Funnily enough, he never mentioned masturbation as a sin.
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States with lowest abortion states…

Given, the lowest is usually Wyoming.
  1. Wyoming
  2. South Dakota
  3. Kentucky
  4. Idaho
  5. Missouri
    6 Mississippi
  6. West Virginia
  7. Utah
  8. South Carolina
  9. Nebraska

Lowest rates, largely red states.

Let’s also make sure we understand that who makes these figures available are largely the CDC or Planned Parenthood (Gutthmacher institute, once part of Planned Parenthood, now mostly independent.)

If one cites statistics, there are more to that equation.

Who runs NYC?

There is a gradual decline, 2019, gee, so that includes a Republican administration?

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He didn’t mention shooting up heroin either but I doubt you’re doing to argue that’s not sinful.
Big difference between the two. Not all Christians consider masturbation a sin. Pretty much all would agree shooting heroin is.

Anyway we are way off topic here, unless you consider those evil Democrats as responsible for the spread of masturbation 😉
Pathetic speech by the President.

A disgrace.

It will be so nice to not have to hear from him anymore.
I actually doubt all Christians would even agree on heroin.

But my point is, just because Christ didn’t specifically talk about something doesn’t mean it’s not a sin. And seeing as many Christians are schismatic or heretical in doctrine, I don’t think consensus really means much on what sin is.

And no, Dems definitely aren’t responsible for masturbation. But you can lay the porn industry at their feet.
He was very restrained and measured.Nothing pathetic about his speech other than the pathetic corruption by the Dems,which he discussed.Pretty sure you know that
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Church interpretation. And only one church has been given that authority from Christ, but that isn’t a license to say something isn’t a sin that is.
I was half expecting a call to arms. Thought he kept himself in check pretty well.
That then would bring it down to human interpretation.
Or the Church which carries on the word of the Lord??

I’m not sure of how it is worded but again, this comes down to what the Vatican said. As a Catholic, I am not going to doubt this. ??
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