Unofficial Election Thread

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The fact you think democrats have the country’s best interest at heart is what’s truly sad. Why should Republicans work with the same rotten people who undermined President Trump and conspired to remove him via hoax scandals, a meritless impeachment, supporting violent protests to cause mayhem, etc? These are not people we should be supporting. These are people we should be removing from office by any means necessary, including force.
There’s the democratic spirit at work.
Something questionable on those Milwaukee precincts. I think actually, something may be questionable about the Minnesota elections too now.
The fact you think democrats have the country’s best interest at heart is what’s truly sad. Why should Republicans work with the same rotten people who undermined President Trump and conspired to remove him via hoax scandals, a meritless impeachment, supporting violent protests to cause mayhem, etc? These are not people we should be supporting. These are people we should be removing from office by any means necessary, including force.
Really, can’t believe Catholics would aid abortion or the case, infanticide. This is what the Democrats do. Really trust them?

That infanticide bill in Virginia last year was the doings of Planned Parenthood. As far as I’m concerned, voting for the Democrats is voting for Planned Parenthood, they have so much control in the party. They have their ties to racism which makes it a joke to accuse others like the President of racism. They should own the racist demographics of abortion, they enable it.

Whether Catholics believe they have “proportional reasons” or not, Catholics who vote for pro-choicers, pro-abortionists have enabled (in other words) aided the act of abortion. As if this is something trustworthy.

For all the criticism of Trump, hey, one party is absolutely partnered with Planned Parenthood to the hilt.
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Assuming Biden wins I imagine we will get his presidency for four years, but the idea that he cheated his way into power (true or not) will be his Russian collusion story, in that we’ll hear about it constantly from the Republicans.
Or his Obama’s ancestry story.

Looking at from the Great White North where there is, in fact, some snow on the ground it would be funny if it weren’t so sad: both parties clinging to their own narratives to justify their loss.

What’s really sad is that partisans just don’t see it and fall into the trap.

Has US politics really fallen that low?
You make sound as if that’s all they stand for.
When you kick people out of your party for not supporting abortion, it certainly doesn’t help sell the idea that it’s not at least a major part of what you stand for.
RhodesianSon said “block every piece of legislation they put forward.” So, you’re willing to lose the military, because we won’t be able to fund them.
I didn’t say that, he did, but certainly block legislation that one disagrees with. Isn’t that what the opposition party is supposed to do, stand up for what their electorate sent them there to do?
Won’t be able to fund ICE and the Border Patrol, so it will be Republicans creating those “open borders” Republicans like to falsely accuse Democrats of supporting. Actually, no federal funding of any law enforcement agency – Bingo! Police defunded!
Again, one must look at proposals on an individual basis. Oppose and block those things one disagrees with. Support those things one favors.
  1. further gun control on the law abiding- block at every turn
  2. repeal of the Hyde amendment- block at every turn
  3. raising taxes, any taxes- block at every turn
  4. defunding ICE and border patrol- block at every turn.
Just some examples
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I’ve been careful because it sounds offensive to call the DNC the puppet of Planned Parenthood but that is basically the truth. Look how they treated reputable people like Kavanaugh and Barret? That’s all about abortion. I don’t believe that testimony under oath by Christine Blasse.

Just voting for pro-abortion politicians, either party, is aiding the act of abortion itself from my understanding, enabling.
I see Biden’s opposition is gearing up before he’s inaugurated or even declared the victor.

Are the calls for excommunication far behind?
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You make sound as if that’s all they stand for.

A bit of objectivity please!
If one is comfortable with aborting up to a half of all unborn African Americans as the abortion industry does, with 33% of all abortions being on 12-14% of the population, I don’t see what can be said. Oh, that Trump is so bad.

Objectivity? Those supporting pro-abortionists should acknowledge this.

The Demographics could only be dreamed of by a racist.

Enable abortion, this means helping out in the act itself. It’s not some desire of mine to talk to someone working at a Planned Parenthood clinic.

The Bishops themselves have said this is the preeminent issue.

If one is interested in so many other issues, why is the one that comes up to be talked most of the time about calling someone a racist? With the kind of record as above??
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If they aren’t pre-approved poll watchers who have been trained, they can’t be allowed in
It is the pre approved GOP pollwatchers who were not being allowed to do their job

That’s who they are talking about

I dont know how else to say that is who they are
You make sound as if that’s all they stand for.
It’s one of the very major things they stand for, a great evil.

It’s a sad image of our Church to see so many Catholics vote for someone who is pro abortion and plus stands against traditional marriage to the point he actually presided over a SSM and is going to force his evil healthcare plans on our nuns.

Catholics voting for Biden is opening the door and giving the thief access. .
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Martha McSally is accusing the liberal media of calling AZ too soon, when it was Fox News that called AZ. The others still haven’t.

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Not sure where to start here. Anti-abortion serial killers? Not sure how much of the population this would encompass. But I bet good roads would be important for him in his evil endeavors.

Gonna be another long day…
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Not sure where to start here
Platform, policy, how just a little bit of ok you can have an abortion is just as despicable a belief to a Catholic.
Theres a few jumping off points.

I notice you edited
Not sure where to start here. Anti-abortion serial killers? Not sure how much of the population this would encompass. But I bet good roads would be important for him in his evil endeavors.

Gonna be another long day…
Ok to determine how much of the population in a given country that encompasses, first determine your serial killer population, then look at their beliefs .
Yes a good road and a reliable vehicle .
Its night here, Early Friday morning. Going to be a great Friday.
I do understand the frustration America must be feeling now.

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Are the calls for excommunication far behind?
This has been called for a long time. If Biden gets elected as president, the calls will take a larger bullhorn, due to Biden new position. That is all.

There are excommunication calls for all top Catholic Democrats because they support abortion. That is a scandal.
I will listen to the Vatican. Their guidance is to vote for the one that is least anti-life or most pro-life. That is what the Vatican says. Period. On your argument, one could hold out the conditions as “personhood” to only be able to vote. I will also go with the Clergy and Church who make it abundantly clear as to who to vote for.

I’m almost puzzled about what you are trying to say.

Again, your statement is a bit ambiguous but I believe the Vatican makes it very clear.

This is a Catholic forum, Catholic teaching makes it clear.

No room for homemade interpretations.
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