Why is Catholic Bashing soooo popular?

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Hmmm…well, if I were to try to describe it, the words that come to mind are prayerful, reverent, and joyous, among others. There are various prayers (eg. the Beatitudes), a reading from the Holy Epistle, usually a sermon, a Cherubic hymn, the Creed, hymn to the Theotokos (Mother of God), the Lord’s Prayer, and Communion, as a brief overview. There is often a choir and the services are primarily chanted rather than recited, so the effect is one of singing rather than talking. :heaven:

I’d rather not discuss the negativity of bashing within this post, but I suppose we need to get back on topic…
Why lapsed ? Because I find much of main stream modern Catholicism lacking in humanity.
how can you know how lacking it is if you are not part of it??? just wondering… not trying to be confrontational…
I am constantly reminded that ‘God so loved the world’ without any added qualifications.
without any qualifications??? Yes, God loves us no matter what we do… but that doesn’t mean he loves what we do. He hates sin (Malachi, etc…). Sin distorts the soul & makes it un-God-like and unholy. Nothing that is unholy can enter Heaven… sin causes separation from God, whether one is forgiven of the sin or not but particularly when unforgiven. Once sin is forgiven, it MUST be cleanse 100% from the soul in order to enter Heaven. Those who are sold out to sin do not love God, though, to make themselves look good, they often claim to… Jesus said that if you love him you will keep his commandments… and that that is the way you will know someone loves HIm… “by their fruits you will know them…” I love gay people as much as i love anyone but i will not accep their sinful lifestyle. Why should i accept something that God does not??? There is a difference between juding people and judging their actions.

was going to say more but not able to at this time… God bless…🙂
Why lapsed ? Because I fear the arrogance of the certainty so many of you display. I fear we are existing in a cosy self-righteous cul-de-sac full of ornament, without love.
Peccavi, I didn’t quote your entire post as I feel the last two sentences sums it up well. We often can be perfectly indoctrinated specimens of our faith while entirely missing the message of Christ, which is love for one another.

Secondly, self-righteous, arrogant certainty often can perpetuate bashing, an attitude which immediately suggests everyone else is either wrong or stupid. Catholics hold dearly to their faith doctrine as do Christians of other denominations; it shouldn’t come as a surprise when a Christian who, when faced with doctrine they perceive as ungodly, will stand up in defence of the truth: "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13,14) “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth.” (John 17:17) “Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” (2 Timothy 2:7) “This I command you, that you love one another.” (John 15:17)

It is a difficult task, indeed, when one can defend Scriptural truth with love and compassion as commanded, instead of in anger.
When I say ‘God so loved the World’ - I mean this world he has created - this world full of imperfections and fears and doubt and beauty and ugliness, love and hate, friendship and lonliness…this is God’s World. An English Catholic bishop recently wrote that the Church needs to speak less about contraception and more about Climate Change (UK Catholic Herald, December 2008). He sees the stewardship of God’s World as an important function of the Church, one often neglected. It is this I was trying to get at. Catholics are often attacked NOT for the battles they fight but for the battles they ignore.
An English Catholic bishop recently wrote that the Church needs to speak less about contraception and more about Climate Change (UK Catholic Herald, December 2008). He sees the stewardship of God’s World as an important function of the Church, one often neglected. It is this I was trying to get at. Catholics are often attacked NOT for the battles they fight but for the battles they ignore.
Without wanting to start an untopical debate about it here, but climate change is the subject of a political/scientific debate, and is not a moral absolute. I would hate to see the Church, or Churchmen, take a position on it as if it was a doctrinal matter.
With 95% of scientists agreeing that climate change will create huge difficulties for future generations I think the debate is over, and since the custodianship of God’s World cannot be a matter of religious indifference it becomes an issue of Christian doctrine. What God has given into our stewardship is very much a matter for us. If God so loved our world how can we walk away from our responsibility to it ? Is it not a moral absolute that we care for what God has created ???
Yep…we’re the soft target…now pick on Muslims and Huindu and Jews…No…Why not ? Oh yes they don’t believe in turning the other cheek…you might get a kicking…I’ve noticed that about my atheist friends…how they steer clear of non-christian confrontations… and why not…when they’re dead they’re dead…all dressed up and noplace to go…
(this is just me being ironic - very Brit humour)
I don’t bash Catholics. I bash all Christians.🙂
Lone Atheist,

If you’re going to be an atheist, you should really treat all religions the same - don’t just include the various Christian sects.

Then again, just because a person believes that God doesn’t exist and that those who do believe in a God are woefully misguided, duped and foolish - doesn’t necessarily mean you have to “bash” the God believers.

It also doesn’t mean you can’t have a spiritual life. The search for “Who Am I” or “Know Thyself” does not require any belief in anything - just an honest inquiry into one’s own true nature.

May you be blest with ever transcending awareness of the truth of your own being.
I don’t bash Catholics. I bash all Christians.🙂
is it ok for us to bash atheists…

i think people are atheist (or say they are) jsut because they wnat to be able to do wahtever they want without consequences… as if thinking something makes it so…

good luck… that’s like saying you want to be able to jump off a 10 story building and you know your body won’t suffer any ill effects when you hit the ground…
Partial anti-life Catholics who are ONLY anti-abortion cause me intellectual pain - pro-Life must mean Pro-Life - As we Catholics say - The Lord gives and THE LORD takes away, blessed be God forever.
there’s a big difference between punishing a mass murderer who has taken the lives of innocent people… with the deaht penalty and

and murdering a helpless unborn child…

Maybe when/if abortion is ever done away with, i will turn my time and efforts to stopping capital punishment… (in most cirucumstances… as they exist in this world currently. cap pun is not always wrong… )
is it ok for us to bash atheists…

i think people are atheist (or say they are) jsut because they wnat to be able to do wahtever they want without consequences… as if thinking something makes it so…

good luck… that’s like saying you want to be able to jump off a 10 story building and you know your body won’t suffer any ill effects when you hit the ground…
Think there are as many reasons for people being atheists as there are atheists. Saying there is only one reasons demeans those who have come to this view after much struggle. Its similar to saying that every one who is a Christian has become one to avoid the consequences of not doing so. Some may do so, but others do it other reasons eg love of God.
With 95% of scientists agreeing that climate change will create huge difficulties for future generations I think the debate is over, and since the custodianship of God’s World cannot be a matter of religious indifference it becomes an issue of Christian doctrine. What God has given into our stewardship is very much a matter for us. If God so loved our world how can we walk away from our responsibility to it ? Is it not a moral absolute that we care for what God has created ???
I didn’t want to start an untopical debate, but I happen to believe man is intended to make the earth fruitful, not plant eucalyptus trees on farmland needed by others in order to reduce one’s “carbon footprint” while one flies about in a private jet and heats seven houses.

I think Catholic Bashing is popular because the Church asks a lot of people, and some resent that. And the Church is a known quantity in that regard in a way that many religions and denominations are not; being hugely varied in their beliefs and mores. If someone wanted to bash, e.g., Methodists, what particular kind of Methodists would one target for the bashing?

Finally, I think the very size of the Church is distressing to people who don’t like what the Church teaches. The next largest denomination in the U.S. is the Southern Baptist Convention. But compared to Catholicism, it’s pretty small, varies in its beliefs from congregation to congregation, and is not really worldwide. I once had a conversation with a Southern Baptist minister who acknowledged that without the Catholic Church in the U.S., Christianity would stand no chance of prevailing against secular humanism. It’s like Al Qaeda attacking the U.S. It’s the big representative of all they hate. Why attack Lichtenstein?
I don’t bash Catholics. I bash all Christians.🙂
Thank you for your contribution to lining up our path to sanctity. Without you and the rest of your ilk, there would never have been a more worthy sacrifice starting from early history to present times.👍
there’s a big difference between punishing a mass murderer who has taken the lives of innocent people… with the deaht penalty and

and murdering a helpless unborn child… QUOTE=distracted;4569772]

I cannot agree with you. ALL life is God givem. - The Lord gives and the Lord takes away . Blessed be God forever. It is our moral inconsistency that provides our critics with ammunition.
there’s a big difference between punishing a mass murderer who has taken the lives of innocent people… with the deaht penalty and

and murdering a helpless unborn child… QUOTE=distracted;4569772]

I cannot agree with you. ALL life is God givem. - The Lord gives and the Lord takes away . Blessed be God forever. It is our moral inconsistency that provides our critics with ammunition.
I went to an anti-death penalty rally where there was also an anti-abortion rally. I got pulled over by a reporter who asked rather sarcastically, “If they’re so pro-life, get them to join you.” I just told her, I’m against abortion too and she was just dumbfounded.

Seriously, I agree with you. Yes, aborting babies is wrong. That’s because killing people in general is usually wrong (except in self-defense/defense of others).

People may criticize the Church and even bash it, but when all they see is the inconsistencies, the lack of sincerity among many Catholics and the judgmental attitudes of others, I can understand it. It really confuses a lot of non-Christians and it’s sad.
God entrusted His work to all of us–imperfect, miserable, fallible human beings. Naturally, we’re going to fall short of the goal–we do our best, but will never attain His perfection in this life. Our churches are imperfect because they are composed of us! Bashers seem to expect perfection in Christians and their church, so the bashing can be directed towards the Christian church and God in general when they don’t see the perfection they expect that you, as a Christian, should emulate.
Think there are as many reasons for people being atheists as there are atheists. Saying there is only one reasons demeans those who have come to this view after much struggle. .
i never said there was only 1 reason… you read that into my words
there’s a big difference between punishing a mass murderer who has taken the lives of innocent people… with the deaht penalty and

and murdering a helpless unborn child… QUOTE=distracted;4569772]

I cannot agree with you. ALL life is God givem. - The Lord gives and the Lord takes away . Blessed be God forever. It is our moral inconsistency that provides our critics with ammunition.
i never said all life was NOT God given. Please don’t put words in my mouth (happesn all the time on CAF :rolleyes: ). I nver said i believe in capital punishment… I believe, as the pope does (did - JPII) that there should only be c. pun when there is no other way to keep convicted murderers locked up (unable to commit the crime again)… Since that is hardly the case these days - theoretically … cap. pun should probably not be used.

… although Ted Bundy was supposedly captured and “imprisoned” (safe from the public :rolleyes: ) when he broke free … and ended up killing 2 more women… those women… loved by family & friends, obviously would be alive today if that had not happened… So… Can we keep murderers away from the general public???

We can, but DO we???

innocent lives need to be protected - & their lives are more to be protected than murderers. Maybe you should imagine yourself in the shoes of the loved ones who survive this kind of thing…
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