Wisconsin election number, 3.2 million voted out of 3.6 million registered voters

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We would just like to know who they are.
You would like to know who millions of people are? That’s a rather lofty ask.
Yes I would like to know who the new voters are, if they indeed alive especially in states like PA, Georgia and a few others. I think that is what the recount is about. Are these voters alive or dead and are they legally registered.
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My state requires three forms of ID including my birth certificate, marriage license
Thankfully I have plenty of other ID options.
  • Drivers license
  • Passport
  • Passport Card
  • Borders and Security Card
I didn’t have these for voting reasons. Some people could not participate in the 2018 election because they had to get legal name changes to even renew their ID, since names that were considered the same and GA before were interpreted as a non-match. This tended to affect minorities for more.
My state requires three forms of ID including my birth certificate, marriage license
Thankfully I have plenty of other ID options.
  • Drivers license
  • Passport
  • Passport Card
  • Borders and Security Card
I didn’t have these for voting reasons. Some people could not participate in the 2018 election because they had to get legal name changes to even renew their ID, since names that were considered the same and GA before were interpreted as a non-match. This tended to affect minorities for more.
In order to get the "new “driver” license three forms of ID were required one being a birth certificate and the other being a marriage license because my name had changed. Can’t think of the third but maybe it was a notarized letter from my town that I lived at a certain location.

They are very strict when it comes to drivers licenses.

So when I go to vote, it is pretty certain it is me who is actually voting unless of course someone stole my driver’s license.
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Currently in Pennsylvania, no identification is required if it is not one’s first time voting, and they should not be asked to provide any form of identification. If it is one’s first time voting, or voting in a particular district, they will be required to show some form of identification. Acceptable forms of identification include: driver’s license; US passport; military, student, or employee ID; voter registration card; firearm permit; current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check; any other form of identification issued by the commonwealth or federal government. Although no documents are required to vote in Pennsylvania, voters are asked to provide their signature to verify with a signature kept on file.
Wikipedia. Voter Identification Laws in Pennsylvania.
In 2012, PA passed a voter ID law that was among the most restrictive in the country.
Critics of the law claimed that this would prevent groups such as the older population and minorities from voting as they would be less likely to possess or be able to obtain the kinds of identifications specified by the law. This was substantiated in 2014 when a 2012 video of then Majority Leader Mike Turzai was leaked. In the recording, he described the passage of the Voter ID law as a successful plan to help Mitt Romney’s chances of winning Pennsylvania in the 2012 presidential election.
Wikipedia. Voter Identification Laws in Pennsylvania.
That law was overturned in 2014. The federal Real ID program is being implemented now, but that will probably not change the requirements above for voting.
Currently in Pennsylvania, no identification is required if it is not one’s first time voting, and they should not be asked to provide any form of identification. If it is one’s first time voting, or voting in a particular district, they will be required to show some form of identification. Acceptable forms of identification include: driver’s license; US passport; military, student, or employee ID; voter registration card; firearm permit; current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check; any other form of identification issued by the commonwealth or federal government. Although no documents are required to vote in Pennsylvania, voters are asked to provide their signature to verify with a signature kept on file.
Wikipedia. Voter Identification Laws in Pennsylvania.
No ID required at the polls is pretty scary. I can see why they need to change and require a formal ID. I present my driver’s license each and every time I vote in New England.
That is why I think returning a signed ballot mailed to your home address within the past 30 days is sufficient ID. It is better than what is required for in person voting.

I do not really think a drivers license is all that good as a proof of eligibility to vote, though it is improving. I think a fresh id recently issued by the voting office, like the mail in ballot, is a better choice.
I am of the opinion that if we are going to have strict rules, we should start with making people re-register every 4 years.
College kids tend not to vote to begin with now they are remote, there is less likely that they would have these higher levels.
They are quite motivated and, because they are remote, many are still at home, so it was easier to vote (no requesting an absentee ballot)
We do not get 50 million new voters because people are at home.
No is buying it was college kids who were the new 1 million voters in Georgia. Georgia again has not voted for a Democrat president since 1980. It switched and voted one time only for Clinton in 1992.
Actually, most people are buying it. It is a select few that aren’t buying it with false claims of fraud. For me, it makes sense. Georgia is competitive with 2 Senate races. That will get more people to the polls
No people are not buying that we had 50 million new voters because people are at home. Those that want to can proclaim but half the population smells like a rat and that is not good for society

. But again that is the purpose of this to get more chaos and break down society. We have the courts and this will go to the courts as it should so that people feel like their vote mattered and they had a fair election.

Dead people and illegals can not vote.
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We do not get 50 million new voters because people are at home.
I thought we were talking about college kids.
There were 50 million new voters across the US. Some claim they are college kids but I doubt it.
o people are not buying that we had 50 million new voters because people are at home. Those that want to can proclaim but half the population smells like a rat and that is not good for society
And here I thought we were talking about Georgia.

Can you stay focused on a topic long enough to discuss it?
Me, would you please read the whole thread?

Excuse me, we were talking about Wisconsin and Gerogia and then PAaulnVA brought up Ohio and Dovekin I believe added Texas to the mix so there has been a great deal of discussion on this thread of many different states including Arizona and PA.

The original topic was Wisconsin, not Georgia but Georgia took a lot of the discussion because the state has never voted Republican since 1980. It voted only one time in 1992. It did not vote Democrat for a president since 1964. Look at the facts, please. Yes, Georgia voted for Jimmy Carter but he Governor of Georgia before running for President.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

So what was your point? I repeated that there were about 50 million new voters nationwide with mail in ballot. Again what did you want to discuss about Georgia?
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I don’t think that is true. President Trump will never again be president and many people feel he did not get a fair deal in this election.
I hope your right my friend.

All we want is a fair election, not for President Trump to win by any means necessary.

If every US Citizen voted one time and Biden won then so be it.
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I hope your right my friend.

All we want is a fair election, not for President Trump to win by any means necessary.

If every US Citizen voted one time and Biden won then so be it.
That is why we have the courts to look at the honesty of these votes. Illegals can’t vote. Dead people can’t vote. Ballots have to be by a certain time. We really need this cleaned up or there will never again be faith in the system.
That is why we have the courts to look at the honesty of these votes. Illegals can’t vote. Dead people can’t vote. Ballots have to be by a certain time. We really need this cleaned up or there will never again be faith in the system.
1000% agree. There is way more riding on this above and beyond 4 more years for President Trump. I am very curious to see how it all unfolds and if there is legitimate issues if they will be addressed properly.
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That is why we have the courts to look at the honesty of these votes. Illegals can’t vote. Dead people can’t vote.
Most people agree. States are conducting audits of the vote now to ensure the accuracy of the vote. All very normal.
Ballots have to be by a certain time. We really need this cleaned up or there will never again be faith in the system.
Each state makes the rules for conducting its elections. When Pennsylvania redid their rules a year ago, they moved the deadline for mailing ballots from 5 pm on the Friday before to 8 pm on the day of the election. The PA Supreme Court ruled that allowing ballots to be mailed on election day meant there should be a time when they could be received. Three days seemed adequate. There was an ambiguity in the rules, and the Court settled it. Now Republicans in the state are claiming that was not what the change meant. They can change the rules, they are still in charge of the legislature, but for this election, the Supreme Court has decided. Those votes count in the best understanding of the law. It is not a significant part of the vote.

This is not the first time things like this have happened. I always believed Daley elected JFK by surreptitiously holding back on reporting Chicago votes. After this year’s election, I have reconsidered and now think it is just the difficulty of handling voting in a huge city. I am hopeful that the past century’s efforts to suppress votes from African Americans are finally coming to an end, with a shoutout to Stacy Abrams for her efforts. Faith in the electoral system will be stronger because of these efforts, not weaker.
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That is why we have the courts to look at the honesty of these votes. Illegals can’t vote. Dead people can’t vote.
Most people agree. States are conducting audits of the vote now to ensure the accuracy of the vote. All very normal.
Let us hope that they do. We can’t have voters who are not legally registered voter voting and yet that does not solve it because we do not even know if these ballots got into the registered voter or not.

So there is a major problem.
Each state makes the rules for conducting its elections. When Pennsylvania redid their rules a year ago, they moved the deadline for mailing ballots from 5 pm on the Friday before to 8 pm on the day of the election. The PA Supreme Court ruled that allowing ballots to be mailed on election day meant there should be a time when they could be received. Three days seemed adequate. There was an ambiguity in the rules, and the Court settled it. Now Republicans in the state are claiming that was not what the change meant. They can change the rules, they are still in charge of the legislature, but for this election, the Supreme Court has decided. Those votes count in the best understanding of the law. It is not a significant part of the vote.
Each state can’t just make up its own rules on election so I am sure this will go before the Supreme court and be decided.
This is not the first time things like this have happened. I always believed Daley elected JFK by surreptitiously holding back on reporting Chicago votes. After this year’s election, I have reconsidered and now think it is just the difficulty of handling voting in a huge city. I am hopeful that the past century’s efforts to suppress votes from African Americans are finally coming to an end, with a shoutout to Stacy Abrams for her efforts. Faith in the electoral system will be stronger because of these efforts, not weaker.
Daley was corrupt and that is a long time ago. Stacy Abrams talked but we really do not know what happened in Georgia or who actually voted. Ballots are sent out but that means nothing. Again Georgia has a hundred-year history and it has never voted differently. It is a solid block and that goes back way in time until 1876 and it voted democrat but switch in 1960 to Republican…(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

They are a pretty solid state and vote Republican and have so since 1960. Stacey Abrams may have registered some people but we still do not know with these ballots who exactly voted. That is what the courts are for to straighten all this out.

There will be a recount in Georgia so hopefully that will clear up some things but still with mail in ballots anyone can sign them so they will be looking at this.
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There was an ambiguity in the rules, and the Court settled it. Now Republicans in the state are claiming that was not what the change meant. They can change the rules, they are still in charge of the legislature, but for this election, the Supreme Court has decided. Those votes count in the best understanding of the law. It is not a significant part of the vote.
The ballots in question had to be kept separated from the other ones that arrived on election day. But my understanding is that even when the counts for these ballots are not included, Biden still ends up ahead.
There was an ambiguity in the rules, and the Court settled it. Now Republicans in the state are claiming that was not what the change meant. They can change the rules, they are still in charge of the legislature, but for this election, the Supreme Court has decided. Those votes count in the best understanding of the law. It is not a significant part of the vote.
The ballots in question had to be kept separated from the other ones that arrived on election day. But my understanding is that even when the counts for these ballots are not included, Biden still ends up ahead.
We are now talking PA. The mail in ballots in Pennsylvania have to be kept separate which is a good idea so that they can be checked. for legitimacy. I have not heard of a recount in PA, in fact, I think they are still counting and no one else is allowed to watch the count in Philadelphia.

I don’t know how Biden could be ahead without these later mail in ballots because Trump was ahead by 700,000 prior to the mail in ballots count the next day.
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