You answered your question…the appropriate time to move into the home would be the night of your wedding.You all bring up excellent points that I have pondered. I would like it to be special when we finally live together as a married couple. As for the scandal, on one hand I care what others think, and on the other I don’t. Sharing a bedroom would be out of the question. We live in an area where shacking up is normal and people already think we’re crazy because we DON’T. Backward, eh? And the poster who said it might take 4 months to find the right house, good point.
What about this…say I decide to wait, when would it be appropriate to move out of my apartment and into our house? A week before, a month before? Where would I stay? My parents live too far down in Southern MD, approx 60 miles away from work. I could stay with a friend or my brother I suppose…
I wanted to add one thing to the idea of ‘caring about what other people think’ idea. As Catholics we recognize that we belong to the Body of Christ. What each member does affects all the members. When I sin I hurt the Body of Christ. What this teaches me is that I really, truly matter. I am not just some woman off on my own, in charge of my own life, living the way I want to live and making my own choices. I am a member of the Body of CHRIST and everything I do matters.
While one can suffer from scrupples (spelling? I am such a lousy speller) and must be aware of that, I see this teaching as tremendously uplifting. How can I suffer from low self-esteem if I keep in mind that, as a member of the Body of Christ, I matter in this world?
God be with you!