Would you prefer the term, ‘witch hunt”?
Where to start…how about some facts, just for fun? There are two totally different things: collusion, which means two sides are working together. The Trump team was neither bright enough or organized enough to collude with Russia. I don’t think anyone at this point is suggesting collusion.Do you still think Trump was wrong with his claimed russian hoax? Is that all conspiracy theory of a deep state against him?
I agree. And both Republican and Democratic officials in charge of polls have stated multiple times that they saw no evidence of fraud and that the election was fair. If you claim it was not, you need proof. So far, not one piece of proof. Just “It’s possible that…” which is worthless.Have to go by the preponderence of evidence.
Listen carefully: I deny it. It’s nonsense. Allowing people to vote by mail, and then counting their votes if they are postmarked on election day or before even if they arrive after election day (Pennsylvania) is not a “standard of veracity.” It’s an attempt to allow voters to vote.You can not deny that at least in a few states, the veracity standards were lowered, so that in the end the cheating was fair and square.
Alleged. Again…“It’s possible that…” No proof. Just idle speculation.Yep…it is alleged the mafia in cook county/ chicago cheated in close election in favor of kennedy, whose brother later as attorney general went after mob…
I have repeatedly quoted the opt-out check box on the Department of Vehicle Registration(DMV) form as a concern and there are other concerns such as a 20 year veteran voter counter saying she has never seen pristine ballots in the past.mcq72:![]()
I agree. And both Republican and Democratic officials in charge of polls have stated multiple times that they saw no evidence of fraud and that the election was fair. If you claim it was not, you need proof. So far, not one piece of proof. Just “It’s possible that…” which is worthless.Have to go by the preponderence of evidence.
I can kind of agree with you, although I don’t think it would have made a difference.Personally I believe that if Trump had toned that stuff down a bit, and more fully and confidently assumed the role of a truthful and mature leader rather than being in the attack and personally defensive mode most of the time, even if just starting a few months back, his poll rating would’ve increased by 10-20%. Trust was lacking by this point.
And Biden didn’t?Yes. And he shot himself in the foot in the first debate.
A fair election would have revealed a true standing.When people hear a message 24/7, pounded into their heads over and over again–they start to believe it.
Think about what you’re saying. Imagine that you want to rig the vote in your state. How many votes to add to your candidate? Again, too many would be suspicious; too few wouldn’t do the trick.Knowing in advance? Well then lets allow all counting to be done of mail ins after the polls close, and allowing three days afterwards for them to show up.
As to both parties? Well, were both parties there at mail ins from beggining to end? Why were some observers kicked out, or allowed to be twenty feet away, or blocking out glass where observers were.
There was no proof that Capone broke any laws, except tax evasion. I guess by your standard he was otherwise just another law abiding citizen .Alleged. Again…“It’s possible that…” No proof. Just idle speculation.
Well. That’s the best you got? Some hearsay from an unnamed person in an unnamed location? With yet another “It’s possible that…”? Sorry. That’s not even close to proof.other concerns such as a 20 year veteran voter counter saying she has never seen pristine ballots in the past.
Remember that Diebold manufactured voting machines too. The owner of Diebold was a staunch Republican. But maybe he was part of the giant conspiracy too?e second separate issue is the machines but that was questioned in 2019 by the Democrats so that is nothing new. Maybe paper ballots is the best way to go.
They would not allow people who were suppose to be in the room as observers check the ballots. There were affidavits online from many of these observers. I cannot understand why one state such as Georgia, why do they abject?gam197:![]()
Well. That’s the best you got? Some hearsay from an unnamed person in an unnamed location? With yet another “It’s possible that…”? Sorry. That’s not even close to proof.other concerns such as a 20 year veteran voter counter saying she has never seen pristine ballots in the past.
I’m sure you realize there are different standards of proof for different situations. In this forum “proof” has come to mean “absolutely 100% mathematical certainty.” It doesn’t mean that either in law or in common sense. In our flawed legal system, the prosecutor has to “prove” someone is guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” And yet almost every day you can open the paper and find yet another completely innocent person has been released from jail after 20 years because he was wrongfully convicted.There was no proof that Capone broke any laws, except tax evasion. I guess by your standard he was otherwise just another law abiding citizen .
How about the Penn State coach who for years had university and local officials look the other way?
Eric Coomer was related to Antifa and he also was on the board of Dominion so his name and connection cause people to question. Hand ballots are the best for any election because even tho there may be some fraud, it does not present a second set of issues. Democrats also questioned this in 2019.gam197:![]()
Remember that Diebold manufactured voting machines too. The owner of Diebold was a staunch Republican. But maybe he was part of the giant conspiracy too?e second separate issue is the machines but that was questioned in 2019 by the Democrats so that is nothing new. Maybe paper ballots is the best way to go.
What people? What state? Sources? Links?They would not allow people who were suppose to be in the room as observers check the ballots. There were affidavits online from many of these observers.
Yes, have to have an address by dec 5th to be eligible to vote.again only need a few hundred people out of 100 million voters to possibly sway such a razor close election.What Democrats have been urging people to move to Georgia temporarily to vote Jan. 5? According to Georgia law, you have to register to vote at least 30 days before the election
And I think you underestimate what determined people can accomplish, especially when they are motivated by hatred and a hunger for power.Again, it would require a super-secret highly coordinated conspiracy. Possible? Sure. Likely? Absolutely not.
Yup.However, I think that it’s likely that Pres. Trump’s defeat came because so many people disliked the man and decided to vote for someone who seemed more reasonable
Or the words that came out of his own mouth for four years. Don’t need media— he is a walking advertisement to vote for anyone other than him.And I think that much of their dislike was fueled by the messages from the media, entertainment, academia, and internet companies.