Info on SDA

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So then we at least agree that the Church came before the Bible… And how do the Adventist know what was first taught? I’m not necessarily talking faith here I’m talking epistemology. For example what 1st century writings can you refer to that affirm what you are doing is right?
No; we do not agree that the Church came before the Bible. I did not say that.

It is a serious abuse of the Sacred Word of God to use it to condemn baptized believers.

The Word of God is to redeem us, to build us up in the Lord and His wisdom, and our Church has been doing this since Pentecost.
I have to agree with Javl that the SDA have little or no charity when it comes to the Catholic Church. Sadly, as far as what the SDA teach and the Church teaches I see little resemblance. The Catholic Church extends it’s loving arms to encompass the SDA as fellow followers of Christ. The SDA do not (from what I have seen) return the gesture. It reminds me of a poem I memorized as a boy.

“He drew a circle that shut me out.
Heretic, rebel a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win,
and drew a circle that took him in.”
No; we do not agree that the Church came before the Bible. I did not say that.
“God’s Church; and God’s people, started back in Eden,…”.
I think I have had this discussion with you before and we didn’t get anywhere with it so I’ll let it go. Suffice to say that I think you believe that the Bible and God are one and the same… “In the begining was the word…” God and his word did indeed existed before time, but the Bible as the written Word did not.
Could it not be more properly said that the Church became before the NT was formalized. The OT was around way before any Christian Church.
No. It could not. Atleast not if you are Roman Catholic, for if the Church did not come before the Bible; in Catholic theology, then she would lose the authority she improperly claims over God’s Holy Word.
I have to agree with Javl that the SDA have little or no charity when it comes to the Catholic Church. Sadly, as far as what the SDA teach and the Church teaches I see little resemblance. The Catholic Church extends it’s loving arms to encompass the SDA as fellow followers of Christ. The SDA do not (from what I have seen) return the gesture.
Yes they do. They do it all the time, all over the world. Thousands of Catholics accept the loving invitation to come home.
Before the Christian Church there was still the Church. Before there could be anything written down OT or New God had his chosen people. Right?
I disagree there was no Church in the OT times. The Church as in Catholic Church in and of itself did not give us the Bible.

Formerly activeCatholic
you would be much surprised at what you would learn, such as there are more converts to Catholicism than all other religions combined.
Shalom Aleichem
I doubt that you could prove this except with “Catholic proof.”
Protestant 101, first of all, then why the contempt for the sacraments and the authority of Peter given Him by Christ???

Why all the disunity? Why can’t we then pray and love one another…?

How come so much emphasis on the Bible but ignoring the calls of the Lord for us to be one?

For the fundamentalists to claim so much on God’s initial and everlasting forgiveness of all our sins through Jesus Christ, then why aren’t the fundamentalists forgiving the sins of the the past in the Catholics’ history?

I do not see forgiveness, but ongoing condemnation and sense of superiority…and no culture.
By calling us “Fundamentalists” and other, similar terms, you are insinuating your own superiority and unforgiveness; and you signal a declaration of war on anyone who dares to question it. You talk about “unity” when you only mean surrender to the Pope. Unity, atleat the kind in the Bible does not depend upon complete agreement on doctrines, or Bible interpretation.

We can pray together anytime. Why do you keep trying to say different?
You know fundamentalists look at the Bible as it looks to them at the present time, and the perspective depends on which leader you chose or were raise in.
Protestant 101, has some articles about the SDA’s. I do not know if he has become a Catholic. But you should read them.
I disagree there was no Church in the OT times. The Church as in Catholic Church in and of itself did not give us the Bible.

Formerly activeCatholic
The origins of the Bible as we know it today are Catholic. In the year 382 AD at the council of Rome the books of the old and new testament as we know them today were assembled and declared sacred by the Catholic Church. . Before that the jews had their scriptures and the Christains had a variety of epistles, gospels, and other writings. The Bible as you know it is Catholic in origin. This is historical fact, and yes there was a chosen people or church in ot times.
The origins of the Bible as we know it today are Catholic. In the year 382 AD at the council of Rome the books of the old and new testament as we know them today were assembled and declared sacred by the Catholic Church. . Before that the Jews had their scriptures and the Christians had a variety of epistles, gospels, and other writings. The Bible as you know it is Catholic in origin. This is historical fact, and yes there was a chosen people or church in ot times.
A shown in other posts and thread that is not all that happened, yes Catholics love to think that but it’s not true
I say end this thread.

It is disconcerting to see the same stubborn and pointless rehashing.
I doubt that you could prove this except with “Catholic proof.”
You don’t recognise the legitimacy of Caholic history. I can accept that. What I don’t inderstand is that you offer no alternative history or “proofs” to base that belief on. We are evidently asked to accept your version at face value with no historical evidence whatsoever.
I glanced over the thread you linked and I saw one persons opinion that the council of Rome was not official in some sense…It was presided over by the Pope, and that makes it official enough. Those books that he declared sacred scripture then are in our Catholic Bibles to this day. Do you have any evidence other than opinions?
Mountains could be produced but never believed. Brain washing is effective
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