Here is a WAPO expose on the largest ‘concentration camp’ for the children of detainees.
They’ll be traumatized for the rest of their lives
Respectfully opinion only in pondering
are theses precious children not already>>>>>> greatly traumatized long before they even land upon our shores>>>>> within their very own Nation>>>> their own homeland witnessing, such>>.
inhumane atrocities that took place daily, seeing their own loved ones parents, siblings, etc blown up into pieces,?
living in far greater worst inhumane conditions within their own homeland> already traumatized >>now considering themselves to be greatly blessed, lucky to have lived through>>staying in>> what some call>>concentration camp here? >>>
When they arrive on the shores of this great Nation>>>in what some are calling concentration camps, really? > But to them, they are being feed, clothed, being housed, cared for, feeling more >>>safely secured, from such inhumane atrocities not knowing …if they would even be alive by the end of the day? hr? minutes within their own homeland?
Are theses precious children already >>greatly traumatized>> witnessing, seeing painfully such >>>inhumane atrocities, forced to flee on foot, where they were>>>>> living right in the middle of a war zone>>>>fleeing with just the cloths on their backs? Would they not consider it a great blessing, that they are still alive, having reach our shores?
Are theses precious innocent children>>> are they not already greatly traumatized? >>been separated from their parents in their own homeland, war zone, seeing their loved ones, parents, friends die >>right before their own eyes, were traumatized long >>>before they even reached our shores?
One cannot even imagine >>what their eyes have seen, know even their heart felt depth of such great sorrows, innocent suffering, they all have gone through, have we?
One can only ponder
that theses parents,their precious children >>>>who have fled on foot, are far far far>>better treated,>>feel more secured in theses shelters, where they are being provided with>> food, clothing, health care needs>> beds to sleep in etc>>> till positive solutions are attained by those elected?
Their parents even thou >>>>>their children are taken from them for now>>>>>>theses parents, >>>>> knowing their precious children>>> are now in a>>> safe place, their daily needs are being met, being cared for>>> having great>>> hope now, for a better tomorrow?
What some call concentration camps here, might be looked upon by>>> those who fled on foot, now living here in those shelters>>> has become a great blessing to them, far, far better >>>where they were once living and fled from on foot, maybe?
Peace just opinion is all.