
The Catholic Church says addiction to porn is the same as adultery. I absolutely believe it…and if you’d look around your house you’d see it to be true yourself.YinYangMom: You said my H was unfaithful since the beginning here. Do you think being into porn is unfaithful? I often wonder about this. I guess it does mean is in love with something other than his wife, that’s for sure. Yes, an addiction that’s hard to control. Our previous counselor told him every time we went to see him, how important it is for him to get into a group regularly, weekly. He went maybe 3 times, and hasn’t made the effort to go back. When we go to the counselor again (yes he’s a Christian), I will mention that he hasn’t gone to the sexaholics group for a long time. And I need for him to go regularly, which I do. Think he’s got job business on his mind.
I do not enable him, and yes, I am most aware of not doing this, as remember I said his mom did just this.
When my teen son caught the mag under his seat, that was it. I knew something severe had to be done. That’s when I spent 3 days straight making calls looking for a counselor, when finally I found one. I plan on asking him (counselor) how really important God is to him personally, and what role he thinks God plays in a marriage. I will tell him things have slacked as far as H going to group, and I do fear it. etc., etc., We’ll see how it goes, then if I feel I need to find another one, I will. H said he’ll go to confession, after we heard on EWTN how very few Catholics go to a counselor, because they have confession!!! That’s awesome! But he’s not Catholic. Is this a good idea? Should I encourage it? It might help him. How I want it to!!!
Porn is distorted imagery of sex. It debases man and woman.
It reduces them to mere body parts to be used any way one’s imagination can conjure up. What one sees is not the marital embrace which includes God.
When a man constantly views porn it’s all he knows and desires from ‘real’ women. Thus, your husband ‘ogling’ at teens.
I’m glad you’ve stopped enabling him. You were enabling him earlier though when you were not able to recognize that his addiction was keeping his attention off of you and your marriage, and that by ogling teens he was being unfaithful. But that’s behind you now, thank goodnes.
As for confession, since he’s not Catholic he hasn’t received that sacrament yet so I’m not sure it would have any real spiritual value, but I could be wrong about that.
I’m so glad to hear you are insisting on his continuing his sexaholics therapy. I will pray that he honors your request.